WPF/E Links for Developers
Via Leon Brown...
Back in December, Microsoft announced the first CTP of "WPF/E", a great new solution from Microsoft for delivering rich, cross-platform, interactive experiences including animation, graphics, audio, and video for the Web and beyond. Utilizing a subset of XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language)-based Windows Presentation Foundation technology, “WPF/E” will enable the creation of content and applications that run within multiple browsers and operating systems (Windows and Macintosh) using Web standards for programmability.
Here are bunch of WPF/E links for developers that Leon collected which will help get you up to speed on learning more about this great new technology.
James Clarke's Weblog Great series on 4 December announcements
TheWPFBlog Designer at Frog Design
Mike Harsh's Blog Mike is a program manager for WPF and has a great blog on the technologies.
Embedding video in your blog using WPF/E Chandra Thota is another program manager here at MS.
Twelve videos in WPF/E Mike Taulty another Microsoftie showing an experiment running 12 videos at once in WPF/E
A number of other links can be found on Wikipedia here.
For developers, there are a number of links that you could check out:
- MSDN WPF/E developer center
- “Getting Started with WPF/E” white paper
- Channel 9 Playground for WPF/E
- WPF/E SDK Documentation
- WPF/E Bootcamp Training Videos
- WPF/E Blog Roll (second section)
- Anonymous
April 09, 2007
Hi Peter, I just emailed Brett Robinson the text below. I am gambling that one of you can answer this. I'd like to know how you think we can deal with user input to make WPF/E more interactive. How would you go about doing a http://www.canvaspaint.org in WPF/E? (I'm asking of course because it so happens I need to do just that and I am clueless! ;) Thanks, Antoine Dubuc Analyst, Business Marketing Solutions Transcontinental Direct Montreal [JrzyShr Dev Guy: address & phone number edited for privacy] www.transcontinental-printing.com Transcontinental Printing G.P. ps: http://orchus.spaces.live.com