Announcing New Jersey Code Camp III
Via Scott Watermasyk...
Looks like Code Camp III for New Jersey will be taking place on Saturday November 18, 2006 in the Microsoft office in Iselin, NJ. Attendee registration will be opened up in the next couple of weeks. Keep an eye on for the announcement and be sure to sign up fast as these things tend to fill up quickly! I'll also post when registration is open, but it will hit the official site first.
Today, the code camp organizers have opened up the call for speakers. Scott has posted a form for folks to post their proposed session ideas. Code Camp is open to everyone in the developer community, so feel free to submit ideas for any technology you'd like.
Even if you haven't spoken before at a code camp, don't be scared to try it out. Submit a session idea, and if you want help, I'll even volunteer to assist you with a presentation. For first time speakers, sometimes co-presenting with another person can make it more fun. See my earlier post on first time speakers.