SQL Service Broker: The Impatient Way!
For those of you who are interested in creating your first SQL Server 2005 Service Broker conversation but are impatient as I am, just grab the code below and give it a try:
-- Enable service broker
alter database [YOUR_DB_NAME] set enable_broker
-- Create a message type. You can also specify
-- An XML schema to validate messages of this type:
create message type TestMessageType
validation = none
-- Create a send and a receive queue
create queue TestSendQueue
create queue TestReceiveQueue
-- Now create a contract for our message type.
-- A contract defines the message type
-- which can be used by a service broker conversation.
-- You can also specify who (initiator or target)
-- can send messages of this message type
create contract TestContract
(TestMessageType sent by any)
-- We now need services. A service is particular task that
-- allows us to send and receive messages
create service TestSendService
on queue TestSendQueue (TestContract)
create service TestReceiveService
on queue TestReceiveQueue (TestContract)
-- The next step is to start a dialog between
-- services on a specific contract
declare @conversationHandle uniqueidentifier
begin dialog conversation @conversationHandle
from service TestSendService
to service 'TestReceiveService'
on contract TestContract
with encryption = off
-- Now try and send a message using the above conversation
-- The first step is to get the conversation handle (it is important
-- to note that the same conversation handle returned
-- by the BEGIN DIALOG statement could also be used - just
-- drop the GO statement)
declare @conversationHandle uniqueidentifier
select @conversationHandle = conversation_handle
from sys.conversation_endpoints
where far_service = 'TestReceiveService';
send on conversation @conversationHandle
message type TestMessageType
(N'Test Message (' + cast(newid() as varchar(36)) + ')')
-- Now receive from the queue
receive convert(nvarchar(max), message_body)
from TestReceiveQueue
Good luck!