A Better FindControl Method
For ASP.NET web forms developers, this is a handy extension method of the Control class that returns a strongly-typed control instance from a deep recursive search at any point in the control tree hierarchy:
public static partial class ControlExtensions
public static T FindControl<T>(this Control currentControl, string id) where T : Control
if (id.Equals(currentControl.ID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// return control calling this method
return currentControl as T;
// initialize potential "found" control to null
T potentialFoundControl = null;
foreach (Control childControl in currentControl.Controls)
// recursive call to each child control
potentialFoundControl = ControlExtensions.FindControl<T>(childControl, id);
// if result is not null, match has been found, break the loop
if (potentialFoundControl != null) { break; }
return potentialFoundControl;
}// method
}// class
- Anonymous
January 02, 2011