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Search Suggestions in IE8 with SharePoint/Search Server

IE8 Beta 2 has been there for a while. Although it is not supported to use together with SharePoint products yet (there’s no chance to support a beta product), you can still try it out. There’re couple of new features introduced like WebSlices, Accelerators and Search Suggestions.

Search Suggestions! Isn’t it cool to make your intranet SharePoint portal to be a Search Provider and have this lovely suggestion feature?

However, by default you can make SharePoint a Search Provider, but no way to add a suggestion feature.

So here it comes – an update to “Search As Your Type(SAYT)” codeplex project, with Search Suggestion working in IE8! And I also included a small green “S” logo icon file for that, all free:)

Since it needs time to update codeplex project, I’ll put something here.

1. Install SAYT on your SharePoint Server/Search Server as instructed. Do some test searches, to make sure it works.

2. Download new update from here:

3. Extract this zip file, copy all files to the directory you put GetInfo.aspx in first step, and overwrite it.

4. Modify ssprovider.xml as needed. Replace SharePointSearchCenter and SAYTUrl with your own ones.

5. Use IE8 to navigate to add.html, and add search provider.

6. Choose the green “S” provider and try it out!

You can add a sample provider on, and try type in “search server” to see the result.

2008-9-4 17-20-07

Disclaimer: This code is not support by Microsoft, if you have problems, leave your comment here. SAYT Codeplex project will be updated later to include this feature.
