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Q & A How to Enable Online Services for Translation

Q & A

How to Enable Online Services for Translation




-- Hi there! We’re twins and we two do EVERYTHING together! --


-- But we’re told we definitely have different personalities. For example, my favorite color is pink --

-- And I’m supposedly stubborn – whatever. I think of it more as ‘strong willed’. --

-- Suuuure…--

-- Anyway, we’ll both contribute to the Office Global Experience blog. --

-- Right, but I will be able to answer more questions. --

-- Yea, only if they are easy ones – I, however, am smarter, so I will be able to answer the more difficult questions. --

-- Oh yea? We’ll see about that! So if you’re so smart – how about you answer THIS question:


Question: For some languages, such as German, Italian and Danish – the customers are unable to use the online dictionary and machine translation because the services are disabled by default. Why? And, is there an easy way to enable these services?


-- Ok - well that's technically TWO questions - but it's no problem for me - cuz I know the answers!


For some languages, the user needs to accept the legal agreement in order to use the online services. This can be done by launching the relevant Office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, or Publisher) and by following the steps below.

1. Click on the Review tab.

2. In the Proofing ribbon, click on Research.

3. The Research pane will then appear at the side of the window. Click on the hyperlink “Check for more research services…”

4. This will bring up the following dialog which asks, “Do you want to allow the Research task pane to periodically check for and install new services offered by Office, other providers, or your administrator?”

5. When the “Yes” button is pressed, the services will begin to be registered. It might take a couple of minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection for them all to be completely registered.

Note : You will need to close and restart the application in order to be able to start using these online services for Translation.

Ok – I admit it, you did a good job with that!

--Yea, I told you – I’m SMART!—

-- Well, I’m smarter!—

-- You are not!—

-- Am too!—

-- Well, we’ll just see! Next time, I get to ask the question, and you have to answer!—

-- Bring it on, brother!—

-- Oh I will! Hey, if you readers have a specific question you want answered, just let us know! --



Keep the questions coming!

The Twins

--Oh! I almost forgot! I have to thank Shemyla Anwar for her help with answering this question!-- --Uh huuuuh! I knew you didn’t do it by yourself! –-- Anyhow , Shemyla works with the Office Global Experience Platform team at Microsoft as a Software Development Engineer in Test. Shemyla is originally from India but she and her team work in Redmond, Washington, USA. Shemyla and her team specifically focus on making sure the Office applications are “world-ready”! Assisting Shemyla with this article was Ahmad Abu-Dayah.--


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