SharePoint et SilverLight...
Si vous voulez essayer d'intégrer ces deux technologies, il existe un point de rencontre obligé, c'est le
La beta 2 est disponible depuis le 18 août.
Comme indiqué sur la page d'accueil :
The updated release of the Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint is a little different from the original blueprints as with this release we've created a set of self-contained samples that using the blueprint methodology you can deploy to your SharePoint site to test out the Silverlight applications. The goal of the blueprints is to give you some guidance on how to integrate Silverlight applications with SharePoint. There are many possibilities here, and we've put together just a few to get you started.
Les exemples sont décrits ici : The Silverlight BluePrint for SharePoint on Silverlight Beta 2 available now!
Hello World sample
Slider custom field sample
Media Viewer web part sample
Colleague Viewer web part sample
Navigation Control sample