Disabling/Enabling Network Connection by Name
I was playing around with Windows PowerShell today and wanted to demonstrate a way to disable a network connection by the name or any other property for that matter. This entry will be limited to filtering on the name. First the network connections I care about I have below on my local machine.
To get this listing we need to use the WMI class called Win32_NetworkAdapter. Without going into too much detail, that class represents a network adapter of a computer. The link gives more detail if you want to show IPv6 data. This is currently limited to IPv4 information.
Anyhow, to get a listing, I run this command:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter `
-Filter "NetConnectionID IS NOT NULL" |
Format-Table -Property NetConnectionID, NetEnabled, InterfaceIndex `
After running that command I will get the following output for my box.
NetConnectionID NetEnabled InterfaceIndex
--------------- ---------- --------------
Local Area Connection False 10
Wireless Network Connection 6 True 25
Wireless Network Connection 7 False 26
Your output probably differs. We are closer to achieving our goal. That WMI class gives us a few method to play with:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter |
Get-Member -MemberType Method |
Format-Table -Property Name
TypeName: System.Management.ManagementObject#root\cimv2\Win32_NetworkAdapter
The WMI Class provides us with 4 methods that are usable if we run this script elevated. Remember, the act of modifying a network adapter requires elevated privileges.
To ENABLE a network adapter
$networkAdapterName = "Wireless Network Connection 7"
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter `
-Filter "NetConnectionID = '$($networkAdapterName)'" |
ForEach-Object { $_.Enable() }
To DISABLE a network adapter
$networkAdapterName = "Wireless Network Connection 7"
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter `
-Filter "NetConnectionID = '$($networkAdapterName)'" |
ForEach-Object { $_.Disable() }
- Anonymous
November 12, 2015
Great post from your hands again. I loved the complete article.
By the way nice writing style you have. I never felt like boring while reading this article.
I will come back & read all your posts soon. Regards, Lucy.