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Do it smart: Some Interesting Shortcut Keys

Help Shortcut Keys

  1. Ctrl + Alt + F1 displays the content window for the documentation contained in MSDN.
  2. Ctrl + Alt + F2 displays the Index window for the documentation contained in MSDN.
  3. Ctrl + Alt + F3 displays the Search window for the documentation contained in MSDN.
  4. Ctrl + F1 displays "How do I?"

Debug Shortcut Keys

  1. Ctrl + Alt + E displays the exceptions dialog box
  2. Shift + F9 displays quick watch window
  3. Ctrl + F10 runs to cursor
  4. Shift + F11 Step out
  5. Ctrl + Alt + P Attach to process

Refactoring Shortcut Keys

  1. Ctrl + R + R Rename
  2. Ctrl + R + O Reorder Parameters
  3. Ctrl + R + V Remove parameters
  4. Ctrl + R + M Extract method

Code Snippet Shortcut Keys

  1. Ctrl + K + X Displays the code snippet picker that inserts snippet at cursor
  2. Ctrl + K + S Displays the code snippet picker that wraps selected text with snippet


Of course these are not all the shortcut keys that Studio 2008 has. These are just the dainty ones that we make work much faster and that we don't usually use for the nastiest reasons...
