NAP API reference material updated on MSDN
The NAP API documentation has been updated on MSDN. Here’s a list of changes for the beta 2 docs:
There are two new topics describing the NAP constants, entitled INapEnforcementClientConnection Constants and NAP Type Constants.
The description of the hintTimeOutInMsec parameter in the topic INapSystemHealthValidator::Validate was updated.
The configClsid member was added to the topic NapComponentRegistrationInfo.
The syntax block of the SoHAttribute structure was updated.
The description of the machineName parameter in the topic INapSystemHealthValidationRequest::GetMachineName was updated. The method description was also updated.
The description of the percentage member in the topic FixupInfo was updated.
The Remarks section of the topic INapEnforcementClientCallback::NotifySoHChange was updated.
A description of the E_PENDING return value was added to the topic INapSystemHealthAgentCallback::ProcessSoHResponse.
Some other minor changes were made to fix typos and add links to pages.
If you are looking for sample code, download and install the Vista Beta 2 SDK (available here). If you install the SDK to the default location, you will find the NAP sample application in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v1.0\Samples\NetDS\NAP.
To send feedback on the documentation, click the “Send comments about this topic to Microsoft” link at the bottom of any API reference page. A programming writer will email you with a response. The majority of these updates were in response to feedback from customers. Thanks for all the great comments we have received so far on the docs. Your input is important!
Cathy Dumas
Programming Writer