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Welcome to the Windows Multipoint Server Team Blog

Hello everyone,

I want to welcome everyone to the Windows Multipoint Server Team Blog and briefly go over what we want to achieve with this blog.

We set up this blog to share technical information and insights from the Product Development Team with our growning community. Often, there is not a great place to go to find the latest technical information on a product. By creating a supporting a Product Team Blog we have the abilitiy to publish up to date technical information that can enhance your experience with our product and with TechNet. So, over the next couple of weeks and months we will begin to introduce members of our team and begin our dialogue via this Product Team Blog.

We would love to hear from you. If you have ideas of topics you would like us to cover, please post them in comments on this blog or post your questions in our web forum on TechNet.

You can read more about Windows Multipoint Server on our site here: Windows Mulitipoint Server 2010 Home Page.

You can also access our Technical Documentation here:

Finally, our Solution Center can be accessed here: Windows Multipoint Server Solution Center

We really look forward to engaging with you via our TechNet Team Blog and sharing our insights with you about Windows Multipoint Server.


Kevin Beares
Senior Community Lead - Server and Cloud Division