Facts about Globalization, Satellite assemblies, localization:
1. Adding App_LocalResources folder to the application does not create separate Dlls with repect to the
2. If we not have UICulture="auto" set in the page directive, it will not display the culture specific UI.
3. We can also set the culture at global level in web.config in <globalization> element under
<System.web> element.
4. We can have multiple App_LocalResources folder under different child folders. However we can have
only one App_GlobalResource folder.
5. Local resource is specific to a single Web page and used for providing versions of a Web page in
different languages.
6. Local resources must be stored in App_LocalResources sub folder.
7. Local resources must be named in format <WebPageName> [.language / language and culture].resx.
8. Ex: Default.aspx.resx- Base resource file. This is the default, or fallback, resource file. This is must
have. e.g: Default.aspx.fr.resx- A resource file for French etc.
9. Global resource can be read from any page or code that is in the application.
10. Global resource must be stored in App_GlobalResources at the root of the application.
11. Namespace used: System.Globalization; System.Resources; System.Threading
12. The difference between resource-only and satellite assemblies is that resource-only assemblies can
contain any resource, such as images and text. Satellite assemblies contain only culture-specific
I will try to look for more if time permits, till then cheeers :)