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Web Development Webcast Weeks, October 18 - 29, 2004

In January, 2004 we hosted the ASP.NET Webcasts theme week. We got great feedback from customers and some folks have asked us to do this again.


Well guess what we’re going to do? We’re going to do it again. Bigger, Better, uncut, unreal. Basically we’ll have two weeks of ASP.NET and web development content aimed at web developers. This time around, we’re hosting 40 webcasts with three skill level tracks so you can pick what level you want to jump in at.



Basic/Novice - (level 100) 12 webcasts – Good for hobbyists, beginners, students looking to learn about Microsoft’s web development environment and tools


Intermediate- (level 200/300) 18 webcasts – Ideal for experienced developers who have some experience with Visual Basic.NET, C#, ASP.NEt, and XML web services.

Advanced - (level 400) 10 webcasts – All about the advanced features in ASP.NET 2.0. Must attend sneak preview on ASP.NET 2.0. I attended the internal airlift that microsoft held for it’s partners and employees and there is some truly wicked features that you need to check out here.



We’ve got some of the best presenters onboard; Michelle Bustamante, Fritz Onion, Ken Getz, and a host of other top industry experts.


Oh yeah, we’re giving away some cool items such as books, Visual Basic.NET standard editions to attendees. Check out the rules when you sign up. Pretty soon you’ll see the links and urls all over and and quite a few other websites.



George, MSDN Webcasts