Backstage at the first ever Bill Gates Webcast on MSDN Webcasts
So I’m sitting here backstage at our first ever Bill Gates Webcast on MSDN Webcasts. The feedback from Bill is that we should do more of these from our bigger events such as TechED and PDC. So check out MSDN Webcasts in 2005. We’re going to get more webcasts from these premium events so you folks on the world wide web can also participate. It’s only going to get better for you folks watching MSDN Webcasts.
George MSDN Webcasts
- Anonymous
February 04, 2005
Glad to hear it! - Anonymous
February 04, 2005
Ummm... right now it's Friday Feb 4 at 11:19am PST - but this blog seems to believe it's 6:19am Feb 5 2005. Are you in a (very) different time zone or have we actually started experiencing some sort of relativistic time effects? - Anonymous
February 04, 2005
I hope you do more of these live broadcasts.
I suspect more people can take it in via the Internet than can be there live.
It also helps when you put up a reminder on your blog the morning of one of these!
Ken - Anonymous
February 05, 2005
yeah. Totally could have done that with the reminder on this blog.
By the way, I'm in Redmond Time Zone PST. - Anonymous
February 05, 2005
It's always great to see talent, and good work at Microsoft. I look forward to your future webcasts!