Developer 不可錯過的精彩課程: 2015 Americas Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference(5/14-15)
2015 Americas Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference
誠摯邀請大家參加 2015 Americas Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference (MVP V-Conf) 線上會議,是由美國地區微軟最有價值專家技術社群舉辦為期 2 天的技術會議,榮幸邀請到 Steven “Guggs” Guggenheimer, CVP of DX 帶來精彩的 keynote 演說,同時將有145 位美國 MVP 帶來 240 場技術課程,包括 IT Pro、Developers、Consumer 等精彩課程,主要課程語言為英文,開放給所有聽眾報名。
歡迎您造訪活動網站並註冊:MVP Virtual Conference
活動日期:2015年5月14-15日 (美國時間早上8點開始) 約台灣時間晚上11點開始
課程分作 5 個 tracks,主要是以英文進行,包括 IT Pro、Developers、Consumer 課程,
點此觀看 詳細課表
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第一天 - 2015/5/14 (美國時間早上 8 點開始) 約台灣時間晚上 11 點開始
Time | IT Pro Track | Developer Track | Consumer Track | LATAM (Spanish) Track | Brazil (Portuguese) Track |
8AM (PT) | Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer | Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer | Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer | Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer | Keynote Address: Steven Guggenheimer |
9AM (PT) | BYOD with Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) | Microsoft Band: Project Online Task Updates from your Wrist. | How to present with your audience's needs in mind, all within PowerPoint! | Implementing End-to-End High-Availability: Hyper-V, Network, Storage, and Cloud Architecture | Interfaces com Xamarin - O que eu preciso saber? |
10AM (PT) | Microsoft Surface in the Enterprise | Fireside: Cooking with Open Source | Create Custom Icons in PowerPoint | Herramientas SQL-Server Best Practices Analyzer y Microsoft MAP para apoyo en la administración de Bases de Datos | Visual Studio 2015 - Novidades e Produtividade! |
11AM (PT) | A pain-free migration to Office 365 | Detecting Facial Expressions with Azure Machine Learning and Kinect for Windows | It’s Not A Windows Phone, It’s MY Windows Phone | Windows 10: productivo en cualquier tamaño | Introdução ao C#6 |
12PM (PT) | Power BI as a Self-Service BI Platform: Architecture, Use Cases, Strengths, and Shortcomings | Supercharge your Development with Azure Websites | Xbox music, the cloud and your Beiber collection | Extendiendo tu Infraestructura Local con Cómputo + Redes de Microsoft Azure: una Implementación en el Mundo Real | Primeiros Passos no ASP.NET 5 |
1PM (PT) | Azure Test Labs: From Zero to Hero | DevOps: What Is This Puppet You Speak Of? | Using Office Mix from Boardroom to Classroom | Introducción a Azure Machine Learning | Executando ASP.NET MVC 6 no Mac OS X e no Linux |
2PM (PT) | Microsoft Azure Recovery Services | Mongo Baseball.NET | Windows 10 topic: Making School Life easier with Windows 10 and Cortana | Desarrollando para Office 365 | Introdução ao HDInsight Hadoop Tools for Visual Studio |
3PM (PT) | Securing Your Azure Data Center | Node.js for .NET Developers | Migrating from an iOS mobile device to a Windows mobile device and how to keep your Outlook data, emails, and contacts intact | 10 Características que todo desarrollador debería utilizar con su sistema de control de versiones. Parte 1 | Usando os dados de Mail, Calendário e Contatos do Office 365 em suas aplicações C# |
4PM (PT) | Deploying Highly Available SQL Server in Microsoft Azure IaaS | Introduction to AngularJS in an Office 365 context | Ransomware - Key tools for prevention and recovery | Implementación de Recuperación de Desastre/ Respaldo de Datos con Azure | Project Online - gerenciando projetos e portfólio |
5PM (PT) | Dynamics CRM MVP Ask the Experts | Native iOS Apps using Swift for Office365 | Understanding Windows updating | SQL Server 2014 + Azure = Bases de datos hibridas | ALM para Apps for SharePoint |
第二天 - 2015/5/15 (美國時間早上 8 點開始) 約台灣時間晚上 11 點開始
Time | IT Pro Track | Developer Track | Consumer Track | LATAM (Spanish) Track | Brazil (Portuguese) Track |
8AM (PT) | Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Automation with PowerShell | Surviving in an Async-First Development World | I'm an uber chic hipster that runs my business on only Apple products; Why would I want Office365? | Implementando Exchange 2013 con las mejores prácticas em cada rol, evitando del principio problemas futuros | Otimizando o gerenciamento de máquinas virtuais no Microsoft Azure |
9AM (PT) | PowerShell Desired State Configuration - Custom Resource Development | Roslyn for Normal Developers: It's Not Just for Compiler Geeks! | Using Access and SharePoint for Travel Expenses and Pulling up Maps | Generando Comunidades Corporativas con SharePoint | Automating Azure Management using PowerShell |
10AM (PT) | Just Enough Explanation of JEA, Windows' New "Just Enough Administration" (JEA) Tool | 10 New Things for Developers on Windows 10 | Pivot Table Data Crunching | Power BI 2.0 - la revolucion en inteligencia de negocios en la nube | Designing and Building a Hybrid Cloud, co-starring Microsoft Azure and Your Datacenter |
11AM (PT) | Automating Service Delivery with System Center 2012 R2 | Windows 10 and Spartan | Use your Windows Phone to tap into the Contacts, Calendar (and shared Calendars) and OneDrive | Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) - Cómo manejar dispositivos móviles en la empresa con System Center R2 Configuration Manager 2012 + Intune | Migrating Active Directory to Windows Server 2012 R2 |
12PM (PT) | Best Practices for Virtualizing and Managing SharePoint 2013 with System Center Windows Server 2012 | A Lap around ASP.NET vNext! | Delve and the Office Graph - A crash course | Adoptando Marcos Ágiles con Visual Studio Online | Segurança em ambientes virtualizados com Hyper-V e Vmware |
1PM (PT) | Troubleshooting Hyper-V Performance Issues - Black Belt Notes from the field | A Brief History of OWIN | Windows 10: New Features and New Directions | Administración y configuración de Microsoft Deployment Toolkit - MDT 2013 - para el despliegue de Windows 10 | Prepare seu datacenter para a Nuvem |
2PM (PT) | Migrating from VMware to Hyper-V for VMware Professionals | How To Create A Global Leaderboard For Unity 3D Using Azure Mobile Services | WP8.1 topic: “Hey Cortana” you make my life easier | Cardinality Estimator en SQL Server 2014. ¿Qué es? Y cómo nos beneficia | Deployment ágil com Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 |
3PM (PT) | Healthy SQL III | One XAML UI to Rule them All with Universal Apps and Xamarin.Forms! | These Are a Few of My Favorite Things – The OneNote Edition | Accesando Office 365 desde un App Android / Windows Phone | Controlando cargas de trabalho com Resource Governor no SQL Server 2014 |
4PM (PT) | Modern IT: DevOps to ITIL | Cross-Platform Localization for Mobile Apps Using .NET | Windows 10: Productivity Tips | 10 Características que todo desarrollador debería utilizar con su sistema de control de versiones. Parte 2 | Why my index still fragmented after REBUILD on SQL Server |
5PM (PT) | What is new in Skype for Business | Resolving Conflicts in Collaborative Occasionally Connected Mobile Apps | Virtual Tour of Microsoft's Security Response Center | Identidad y Acceso en la nube | Construindo ambientes com o Quórum dinâmico |