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24. Architect Forum am 17. April - User Experience for Software Architects

Am 17. April ist es wieder soweit, das nächste Architect Forum findet im Management Club auf der Kärntner Strasse statt. Als Stargast wird uns diesmal Christof Sprenger vom Microsoft Architecture Strategy Team in Redmond durch das Forum begleiten.

Das Thema des Forums: User Experience for Software Architects, dabei werden wir uns auf weit mehr als bloß das übliche Thema Usability einlassen. Wenn Sie an einer Teilnahme am 24. Architect Forum interessiert sind, dann kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über unseren Web Blog oder über sodass wir Ihnen eine persönliche Einladung zukommen lassen können.

Dabei haben wir geplant, einen Teil in Form eines Vortrags abzuwickeln und im zweiten Teil gemeinsam mit Ihnen über das Thema zu diskutieren. Im Rahmen der Diskussion möchten wir uns verschiedensten Themen stellen - etwa Patterns im UI Bereich und User Experience, Auswahl der "passenden" User Experience Technologien etc. In welche Richtung sich die Diskussion bewegt, liegt allerdings voll und ganz in Ihren Händen!! Wer sich also schon vorab ein wenig informieren möchte, der sollte auf jeden Fall mal im User Experience Center der MSDN Architecture Home Page informieren:

Um den Kontext zu spannen, beginnen wir allerdings auf jeden Fall mit Christof's Vortrag - Details dazu finden Sie im nachfolgenden Absatz auf Englisch:

The focus of software development in the IT industry has been largely around programming languages, data centers, back end systems and services. While it's important to get these aspects right, none of these “engineering qualities” have ever closed a deal, made an important business decision, or created a new market. As IT architectures mature, it's time to return the focus of software to the where is can have the biggest impact and greatest value for the business, the user. The user, whether an executive, middle manager or shop floor worker, has the ability to impact business in both positive and negative ways every day with every decision. And the software we build should be a means for their success.

With our approach we try to “put the user back” into software development, arming developers and architects with the skills and tools necessary to create a great user experience for applications and systems that they are working on today.pickerlCode_vs08_I7WC9612

While there are many designers and agencies that specialize in this area, especially for consumer facing products and sites, too many applications still suffer from bad user experience. These types of applications can be found everywhere: Behind the check-in desk in hotels; on the desks of many office-workers; controlling multiple pieces of equipment on the factory floor. You can probably think of a few that you use. Many of these applications will never have the benefit of a UX designer involved and remain neglected from a user experience perspective - resulting in lost productivity, decreased efficiency, and leaving users silently frustrated every time they use them.

Although there is plenty of guidance for certain UI aspects of development, such as specific controls and components, developers today are without the reference material they need to understand the bigger picture of user experience.  

Ihre Developer & Platform Group

marioszp_VerySmall Technorati Tags: Architect Forum,Architects,User Experience mszCool
