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Imagine Cup US Finals: Gaming Style

The national finals included a track on Innovation and Entrepreneurship as well as a track for gaming and digital design. Student interviewed a panel of recent grads from EA and spoke to social media entrepreneur David Henderson. Check out these videos taken by Clint Rutkas on similar topics.

Getting a Job: Round Table Edition

Clint Rutkas tracks down Ian Lewis from the XNA team at Microsoft, Andrew Brownsword from EA, Kent Quirk from Linden Labs which makes Second Life.  Hear what they have to say about what a student should know.  They talked about figuring out how to solve problems, working in teams, writing good code, the coding or testing hat, and a bunch more. A must see video if you’re into gaming. While these are game developers, almost everything they mention directly translates to normal development.


Getting a Gaming Job, Round Table Edition

Getting a Job: Blizzard Edition

Watch as Clint Rutkas interviews John Cash from Blizzard Entertainment . They discuss projects and the art for your games.  Two takeaways: People understand you're not an artist, and finish your work!  Having half finished projects isn’t a way to impress people.  Have a polished game.

Getting a Job - Blizzard Edition