New Microsoft Dynamics CRM V3C Cient images!
Since I am multilingual I always try to inform you guys of more than only English releases. So today I can inform you that yesterday new Client Images of the V3C version were released for compatibility with Office 2007 and Vista. You can download them in the following languages: German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Swedish at this location (below) on the Download Center
You may need to toggle to the appropriate language, via the “change language” dropdown list. Other languages will follow in the coming weeks.
January 06, 2007
Your link gives me a download for the "Microsoft CRM 3.0: 90-Day Trial Versions" not for the client download . . regards TrevorAnonymous
January 06, 2007
Trevor, that is actually the download link. I guess they want to call it the 90-day trial version download. SInce you need the bits and the keycode they made one page of it. Just change it to the right language and happy downloading :)Anonymous
January 06, 2007
mmmm Oke Menno, the dutch download is on his way ;-)Anonymous
January 06, 2007
Enjoy it. You would only need to download the Client image since the V3C as of now is only a Client update. The server update will come later, this will update the Exchange router.Anonymous
January 08, 2007
Does anybody know how to install or where to find the CRM Gadgets that should be included? regards biba