How to determine the version of Microsoft CRM you are using?
Now that a lot of people are upgrading Microsoft CRM to the latest version V3C I get the following question a lot: How can I determine what Microsoft CRM version I am using on my client or server. So to help you guys with this issue...
In Windows XP and Windows 2003 this can be easily checked by doing the following:
- Click the Start button
- Open Control Panel
- Click Add / Remove programs
- Select the Microsoft CRM Client or Microsoft CRM Server
- Click "support information"
In Windows Vista it is a bit different:
- Click the Windows Pearl
- Open Control Panel
- Click "Uninstall a program" under the "Programs" icon
- In the menu bar select "View" and choose "Choose details..."
- At the bottom of the list select "Version"
- Now you will see the version appear in the last column
Update: Here you can see a list of the buildnumbers: