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March CTP bits of Azure Services Now Available…(Azure SDK – March CTP Release)

sidebar-MSdotNetServices Yesterday, we announced the broad availability of Azure Services CTP (March) bits. This is a M5 release (5th coding Milestone of Azure Services) and offers a lot of improvements and benefits to developers from an interop perspective.

The .NET Services March CTP focuses strongly on interoperability and includes improved support for web standards such as REST, ATOM, SOAP, and HTTP. What this means is that all developers – whether they are .NET developers or not - will now find .NET Services much easier to use because they can utilize industry standards and protocols to interface the services.

Specific enhancements include:

  • Access Control Service – Feature Additions:
    - All new management service, which now supports REST and ATOM for managing rules.
  • Service Bus – Feature Additions:
    - Discoverable and durable queues, which support both SOAP and HTTP, provide reliable pull message delivery with the capability of peek lock and simple destructive reads
    - Discoverable and durable routers, which support SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 and HTTP, provide message storage, control and delivery in unidirectional publish and subscription solutions.
    - Supported Push delivery to HTTP endpoints and Solicit/Push delivery to Service Bus listeners with NetOnewayRelayBinding.
  • Workflow – Feature Additions:
    - CloudServiceBusReceive activity enables workflow to receive Service Bus messages. Combining CloudServiceBusReceive with CloudServiceBusSend, the already existing activity, Workflow Service now offers improved integration with Service Bus. Message-based activation allows the creation of new instances on-demand and direct communication with these instances. Finally, there are Workflow REST-Client enhancements with the addition of PUT, DELETE, custom verbs as well as parameters and header support to the HttpSend activity.

You can Download the CTP bits of ‘Microsoft .NET Services SDK’ from here

And, for those of you who don’t know what .NET Services is - .NET Services make developing loosely-coupled on-premises and cloud-based applications easier. .NET Services include a hosted service bus for connecting applications and services across network boundaries, access control for securing applications, and message orchestration. These hosted services allow customers to easily create federated applications that span from on-premises to the cloud.

Key Benefits of .NET Services:

  • .NET Services connect on-premises, hosted and cloud-based applications to the cloud, and connect disparate groups across network and organizational boundaries by federating data, messages, and workflows.
  • .NET Services make it easy for web applications to federate with a variety of identity providers, using a cloud-based service for access control.
  • By supporting web standards, web developers, using any programming language, can use .NET Services to connect, collaborate, and create federated applications.
  • .NET Services support a wide range of Web standards: REST, ATOM, SOAP, and HTTP.

You can read more about .NET Services HERE

To get Started:

Here’s a bunch of HOW Do I videos about the Azure Services Platform that will help you get started!

If you need more information, you can always contact me!

-Mithun Dhar

Technorati Tags: .NET Services,.NET Services M5,.net services m5 bits,.net services March CTP,Azure sdk m5,azure m5 bits,azure march ctp
