Wet String and Sellotape
Mike Pallot on the World of Technology and Microsoft Partners...less of the what and more on the impact on you!
var sc_project=2367934; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=22; var sc_security="a5e3d45f";
A day in the life of SteveB..
Some of you may have seen this but kind of cool to share again anyway! Here Enjoy!
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/16/2007
Financial Services Grid Initiative - Launched!
Great news for the communities focusing on Financial Services and looking to bring the value of...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/16/2007
Microsoft Search comes out...
Well certainly on a grand scale anyway! If you are planning on heading over to Denver for the...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/16/2007
Scaling SOA in Financial Services with Grid Computing for .net
Great webcast here on Scaling SOA in Financial Services with Grid Computing for .NET: Event Overview...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/10/2007
Need MOSS migration tools?
We have been working with these guys to include MOSS migration tools in addition to their existing...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/09/2007
High Productivity Computing...Linux and Microsoft??
It's all just about doing things easier isn't it? In many of my external meetings I meet partners...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/09/2007
Rumourmill...Microsoft to buy Yahoo?
Seen some press reports about Microsoft potentially buying Yahoo.. BBC Yahoo shares up on Microsoft...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/04/2007
HPC User Group Kicks off In Reading, UK - 95% attendance - tremendous support!
Just a couple of quick shots of the Windows Compute Cluster user group held at Microsoft Reading...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/04/2007
The power of a smile...
Saw this at the end of a long day and thought 'you know what, that driver must have been having a...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/03/2007
Clustered Excel in FS...great article!
Nice article here showing some of the cool stuff that Excel Services will deliver in the FS...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/03/2007
Don't wait for Search and BI to become the same product - Gartner comments...
It's an interesting report that looks at the BI and Search and how they will play together in the...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 05/01/2007
CCS and MSFT Share price...!
So whilst we run the first user group for CCS at Microsoft, look what happens to the MSFT share...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/27/2007
6 pillars of MOSS 07
Saw this great online article sent through by my friend Sol - great few words on MOSS 07 and what it...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/25/2007
Topten of Web 2.0...interesting stuff!
Saw this site the other night and loved the list here: Top 10 Ajax Applications and the even more...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/24/2007
Cluster Wars - Scaling Up Derivatives with CCS!
Another great article from Brian Sentance and the gang over at Xenomorph, check it out here:...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/19/2007
Enterprise Search Eval Kits have arrived!
The Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Search (MOSSFS) 180-day Evaluation Kit is now...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/18/2007
TechGuys coming soon to a house near you..!
So was out and about today and happened to have 5 minutes spare when I went past the new TechGuys...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/17/2007
Quickstart for Search - free exam vouchers - what a refreshing change!
So of all the developments in Microsoft around Search this year, this is one of the coolest...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/16/2007
Funky new ads and demo of MOSS 07..New Day ad campaign
Great new site for showing your customers what MOSS 07 does and can help you to achieve in your...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/15/2007
So what is the Live Maps response...
So I guess I thought I would check what Live Maps did and happily here's the result:...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/11/2007
Microsoft wins over Linux servers...
Hat tip to bink.nu for signposting the ZDNET article on Microsoft's success in the Compute Cluster...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/10/2007
CCS SP1 trial version available on MS.com..!
Just a quick post: Get your free trial version here: www.microsoft.com/hpc
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/09/2007
Host of Excel Services whitepapers...
Righty ho for those Excel Services gurus amongst you the following will be like Christmas - great...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/09/2007
Simple Courtesies..
One for the Easter weekend....sometimes life can pass you by and you have to look at what is truly...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/05/2007
Software Passion...or a means to an end...
I have been waiting to write about software passion for a little while now, and just recently have...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/04/2007
Excel Services for Dummies...!
Been looking for this for a while now, how good are we at documents on how to take your XFN scripts...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/03/2007
MSDN TV: Building custom solutions with Excel Services
This video is handy as it shows a few nice things about Excel Services - it starts off by giving a...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/03/2007
Free Enterprise Search....eval...!
Some of you may have seen this but it passed a few of us by, the evaluation software for MOSS 07...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 04/03/2007
MCP Magazine on 'Why Quickstart... and Search Specialisation coming!'
My colleague Sol pointed out this article which gives a nice summary of the Quickstart and some of...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/28/2007
Ballmer comments on compute cluster for Finance...
Really great to see the importance of compute cluster server in Microsoft go right to the top! Check...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/27/2007
More on the UK CCS user conference...
You are cordially invited to join Microsoft, industry experts and your peers as Microsoft presents...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/26/2007
More free training for CCS...
Following on from the huge take-up in training mentioned last week: HPC training...free...come and...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/26/2007
Another reason why Compute Cluster Server...
So many years ago, Microsoft used to have a hard time around Security, it's been really great to see...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/23/2007
Compliance a headache - check this out...!
Many of you will know about the huge benefit of Excel Services in the Financial Services Sector -...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/21/2007
Green Computing: Check out the Vista green credentials!!
Real stats on how to save money and help save the environment: · Reduce the carbon dioxide generated...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/21/2007
Fancy a Revolution anyone?
Was on the tube yesterday and saw this rather cool ad about the Information Revolution, Steve also...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/21/2007
Little gem of delight for you HPC gurus...!
Great news on the HPC e-learning side around new webcasts for Schlumberger and ESi working with...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/19/2007
Microsoft Search with SharePoint - New Deep Technical Resources
Hat-tip to Steve for spotting this new resource for SharePoint Search: SharePoint Server 2007...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/18/2007
Career Manifesto...get on the bus or...
I really like the Execupundit blog and came across this Career Manifesto. Some great words of wisdom...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/17/2007
Great ballmer video on Google and joining Microsoft
Nice refreshing video here showing you a relaxed Steve and his views on Google as well as his...
Author: Mike P_1 Date: 03/16/2007