Job Profiling (Poll Result)
Apologies, I just realised that I’d missed out a complete set of results from the MSDN Flash poll. Back in the 28th July edition we asked what your main job function was. Of course I got a lot of feedback saying “I do 7 of these” and the like. Honestly I know. I understand the world doesn’t conform to the nice simple model Microsoft tends to try and apply to it. That was why I used the word “main”.
If you spend 14.29% of your time on each of them equally, then just pick one. It’s only a survey after all. Pick your favourite. Pick the one you wished you spent 100% of your time on. Now it’s a survey of “Main Job Function + Preferred Job Function of Those Wearing Many Hats”.
I like that. It has a nice ring to it.
The good news is the right sort of people do seem to be reading the Flash. This marketing lark is amazing isn’t it – it’s like magic. I’m curious what the 9.2% “Other IT Professional”’s do. Let me know; given I came up with the categories it’s clear they could do with some refinement!