Getting business done with #MSFT virtualisation solutions
Using existing or new hardware, shifting compute resources where they are needed, virtualised server capacity can be far less expensive than buying and operating new hardware in anticipation of future demand. Memory, storage and processor capacity can be configured to squeeze more from your existing IT investment and, if needed, virtual machine configurations can be cloned and deployed quickly and secure using Hyper-V Manager and System Center to rapidly expand the resources available for a popular service.
Deciding whether virtualisation or a cloud scenario is more appropriate to your needs requires answers to many questions. When and where will your usage demand happen, within your organisation or from remote users and external customers? Is there a predictable demand timeframe for some or all of your services? How will back-ups and regulatory compliance be enforced, and where must your data reside to be secure while complying with local law?
To help you answer these questions we’ve produced a series of guides on how to accomplish business goals with virtualisation technology. These are aimed at helping IT managers to direct their limited resources to the most efficient activities - even making changes dynamically to use resources as demands change during a business day or week. For example, a busy web server during the week that lays largely unused over the weekend could be repurposed on Friday evening for large database processing jobs and returned to serving web requests late on Sunday.
How to save on power consumption by consolidating servers using virtualisation
Increase server availability and support burst demand with virtualisation
How to support a new location with SharePoint virtualisation
Use virtual clustering to deliver high-availability applications
How to improve server utilisation and reduce infrastructure costs
Manage storage migration with virtualisation