SharePoint 2007 Features project on CodePlex
A project on CodePlex adding a lot of value for SharePoint projects is the "SharePoint 2007 features" project. It has grown considerable during it lifetime and it is absolutly worthwhile checking back from time to time.
Content Type Hierarchy Feature (separate download)
Log Viewer Feature (separate download)
Manage Form Users Feature (separate download)
Presence Contact List Feature (separate download)
Placeholder Master Feature (separate download)
Print List Feature (separate download)
Task Alert Feature (separate download)
Task Mover Feature (separate download)
Theme Changer Feature (separate download)
Debugger Feature (separate download)
All Features in a single download
Window Links Feature (separate download)
Debug Config Feature (separate download)
Manage Configuration Modifications (separate download)
Ajax Config Feature (separate download)
Manage Layouts Site Map Feature (separate download)
Minimal Master (separate download)
Minimal Publishing Site (separate download)
Manage Hierarchical Object Store Feature
Reset Theme Feature (separate download)
Toolbar Manager (separate download)
Unique Column Policy Feature (separate download)
Global Web.Config Feature (separate download)
3.5 Web.Config Feature (separate download)
Regular Expression Validator (separate download)
Variation Labels Field (separate download)
SharePoint Events Manager (separate download)
Clean Web Part Error Feature (separate download)
As a developer you might specially apreaciate the "Debugger feature". It adds a link to your site actions menu:
Mark Arend has an article about "Debugging web parts and other SharePoint custom code" with some more information about this feature.