Operations Manager 2007 SP1 is now released
Operations Manager 2007 SP1 addresses critical customer-initiated issues, including improved deployment, performance, reporting, and enhanced support.
Some of the key new features and enhancements are:
- New capability to export Operations Manager 2007 diagrams to Microsoft Visio VDX file format.
- New ability to publish reports to multiple locations, such as Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Web sites.
- Improved performance and reliability across the product, such as when working with alerts, overrides, and searches.
- Enhanced “advanced search” by improved the ability to search across monitors and rules by their overrides.
- Simplifying the creation of new management packs by allowing users to copy views from existing management packs to an unsealed management pack.
- New ability view performance data through the Operations Manager Web console, and setup filters for desired performance counters to ease searching and navigation.
- New discoveries and views added to the Audit Collection Services (ACS), along with new monitors and alerts to track the health of ACS collectors.
- Enhanced backup and recovery with the introduction of an easier-to-use Secure Storage Backup Wizard.
Comprehensive detail on the new features is documented at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb821996.aspx. The list of bug fixes and enhancements is documented at https://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/944443.
More information, including training videos on how to deploy & use the new features, is at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/opsmgr/default.aspx.
You can download it from https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=EDE38D83-32D1-46FB-8B6D-78FA1DCB3E85&displaylang=en