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Super super super excited to see the back of super

Things are a little hectic here as we get ready for the Imagine Cup finals in India on Saturday. The team were down on Monday for a trip to the British Broadcasting Corporation to do a radio interview with Gareth Mitchell from the Beeb's world service technology show, Digital Planet.

Andy has blogged about it here (and check out the new URL, Live Spaces has just launched! cool). Go listen! (about 15 mins in)

Anyhoo, Just spotted that Kevin Briody (who used to do academic stuff) is trying to start a campaign to ban the use of the word 'super' inside of Microsoft. Hallejuah!!! Us Brits love to poke fun at our corporate counterparts at big conferences when they come on stage and the first thing out of their mouths is "Thanks <Insert Important Person Here/>, I'm super excited to be here...".

It's completely innocent but it does get a bit annoying after a while and I for one will be happy to see a bit of variety on the conference circuit.

Now what to replace it with... "Hey Bill, it's above average to be here..." :-)
