How to create a private cloud step by step with System Center part 9: WSUS Integration with SCVMM
I’ve been quiet for some days now, there is a lot going on with some interesting projects, and I’m getting back to deliver the last parts of the series during the next two weeks, after that I will be working in a cloud monitoring series with some nice features I’ve been delivered the last two weeks with some customers.
I got some feedback from a couple of you regarding how you want the next articles to be shaped, so I’m going to do them a little more graphical, if you have any suggestions please comment.
The firs step is going to be use our SCVMM server as a WSUS too, so let’s login with our SCadmin account and start the installation:
In the server manager go to “Add roles and features”:
Navigate trough the wizard to the server role page and select Windows Server Update Services:
Add the required features:
Continue with all the defaults until you reach the WSUS “Content” page, select a folder in your server to store updates:
Accept the defaults and confirm the install:
Wait a few minutes for the installation process and click close.
Now go to the WSUS console in the server manager:
Launch the post installation tasks from the upper flag in the server manager:
Right clock in your server name and select “Windows Server Update Services”:
You will get a wizard:
Navigate with the defaults trough the wizard until you are in the “Specify proxy Server”, you will need to connect to the upstream server to continue, click “Start Connecting”:
Wait for completion and click Next:
Leave the English default and click Next:
- Unselect office products.
- Select System Center 2012 R2 – Virtual Machine Manager
- Unselect Windows and just select Windows Server 2012 R2.
- Click Next.
Select the classifications:
Select Synchronize Manually:
Select begin initial synchronization and finish:
Now go to SCVMM Console –> Fabric.
Right click in update servers and Add Update Server:
Use the following settings and add:
Note: If you have a remote WSUS you will need to install the WSUS console in the SCVMM servers.
In the next post I will show you how the compliance baselines for updates