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How to configure your Drupal 8 ARM template deployment to Azure using existing MySQL Server

This post discusses the parameter configurations needed when setting up a multi node Drupal deployment using the Drupal 8 VM scaleset (with GlusterFS and MySQL) ARM Template.

Parameter values which need to be entered (sample values have been shown) :

  • drupalVmSku: "Standard_D1_v2" (Size of the Drupal VMs)
  • drupalUbuntuOSVersion: "14.04.4-LTS" (OS Version for the Drupal VMs)
  • drupalAdminUser: "drupalAdmin" (Drupal Site Administrator)
  • drupalAdminPassword: "drupalAdmin-123" (Password for Drupal Administrator)
  • drupalVersion: "8.1.1" (The Drupal Version)
  • vmssName: "dru25vmss" (Name of the VM Scaleset)
  • instanceCount: "2" (Default and minimum number of Drupal VMs in the VM scaleset)
  • maximumInstanceCount: "10" (Maximum Number of Drupal VMs in the scale set)
  • adminUsername: "drupvmuser" (The ssh username for the drupal and gluster vms)
  • adminPassword: "drupvmpass" (The ssh password for drupal and gluster vms)
  • drupalInstallationDatabaseName: "drupaldb" (the drupal database name using which the drupal site will be installed)
  • createNewMySQLServer: "no" (No is default, details of existing SQL Server need to be provided)
  • existingMySqlFQDN: "" (FQDN of existing MySQL server) . The MySQL Server needs to be accessible from the Drupal VMs.
  • existingMysqlUser: "admin" (the user name used to connect to the mysql server instance)
  • mysqlUserPassword: "Mysql-Pass1234" (The password used to connect to the MySQL server instance)
  • glusterTemplateLocation: "" (Base location of ARM template used to create the Gluster cluster)
  • templateLocation: "" (Base location of the the Drupal ARM template and scripts)
  • storageAccountNamePrefix: "dru25stacc" (prefix for the VM storage accounts, which need to be unique)
  • glusterVmSize: "Standard_D1_v2" (Size of the gluster VMs)
  • glusterInstanceCount: "2" (Number of nodes in the gluster cluster)

Parameter values which are needed only when setting up a new MySQL server and hence can be ignored :

  • newMySqlDnsName: "NA"
  • newMySqlVmUserName: "NA"
  • newMySqlVmPassword: "NA"
  • newMySqlVmSize: "NA"
  • dbCentosOSVersion: "6.6"