Inconsistent Experience...
Flying to Redmond for a few days. I get an email last night from United re: automated check-in. Great!
I go through the process and then I see an offer.
Redeem 15,000 miles for a First Class Upgrade.
I figure, what the heck, let's give it a whirl (redeeming miles is so difficult anyway), so I "make the purchase."
When I confirm, I get a message:
"Due to a system-wide error, this purchase cannot be confirmed."
What was once painless has the risk of becoming painful.
- were my miles deducted?
- will I get the upgrade?
All I can see now is hassle...having to prove that in fact I didn't use the miles or having to figure out if I did indeed get the upgrade.
Then, I get to check-in counter. The lady there says, "that's not up to us, talk to the gate agent."
I get to the gate. He says, "We can't make the same offer to you here as you get online?"
Why not?
There's one airline. I'm one customer. Why should I have different experiences depending on where I am in your organization.
Are your customers and clients subject to inconsistent experiences from your company? What can you do to change that?
(Update: I did get the First Class Upgrade after all...though there were a few system glitches. My profile said: Upgrade Waitlist, but on the master Waitlist file, I wasn't there)