SharePoint - migrate a sub-site into its own Site Collection
# Move-SPwebToNewSPsite.ps1
# simple outline sample of how to migrate a sub-site into its own new Site Collection.
# definately not comprehensive, but should give you an idea of what to do.
# NO I have not exported Alerts or Workflows. Food for thought!
Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ExportShare = "\\SERVERNAME\Backup\oldWeb.CMP"
$OldSPWebUrl = ""
$newMgdPath = "Sites"
$newSPSiteName = "TheNewSite"
$Descr = "the newSite collection"
try {
$oldSPWeb = Get-SPWeb $oldSPwebUrl
$SPWebApp = $oldSPWeb.Site.WebApplication
$oldSubWebUrl = $OldSPWeb.ServerRelativeUrl
$Owner = $OldSPWeb.AssociatedOwnerGroup.Users[0].LoginName
Export-SPweb -Identity $oldSPWeb -Path $ExportShare
$newSiteUrl = "{0}{1}/{2}" -f $SPWebApp.Url, $newMgdPath, $newSPSiteName
if (-NOT (get-spmanagedpath -Identity $newMgdPath -WebApplication $SPWebApp)) {
new-spmanagedpath -RelativeURL $newMgdPath -WebApplication $SPWebApp
$newSPSite = New-SPsite -Url $newSiteUrl -OwnerAlias $Owner -Template "STS#0" -Description $Descr
$newSPWeb = $newSPSite.RootWeb
Import-SPweb $newSPWeb -Path $ExportShare
Remove-SPweb $oldSPWeb -Confirm:$false
catch {
"Error caught: {0}" -f $Error[0]
January 01, 2003
Tried this on SharePoint 2013 and it almost worked.
It backed up the site and it imported it into a new site collection. I can see it as a site collection when I check the "view all site collections"
I made myself a site collection administrator and then when going to browse to it, I get the famous message from SharePoint "Something went Wrong"Anonymous
January 01, 2003
my understanding is that, this script will convert sub-site in a site collection, is it correct?Anonymous
January 01, 2003
- yes. 2. it's a file to hold the exported web data that we will import into the new site collection.
January 01, 2003
what is oldWeb.CMP??Anonymous
June 10, 2013
Could you help a total newb like me? I have no idea where i would put this code rlbpeck@gmail.comAnonymous
November 18, 2013
Does it migrate all sub-sites within the site?Anonymous
January 08, 2015
this shall work on sharepoint online?Anonymous
February 06, 2015
Will this work on SharePoint Online?Anonymous
October 12, 2015
Hi Just want to move share-point sub site to another site. Is it work for my requirement or not?Anonymous
February 23, 2016
There are many issues with an exported and imported site. Page layout is one of the major ones.