PowerShell - add a JPG into AD for the user photo
# Update-AD-Picture.ps1
# copy a .jpg into a byte array, then push that into
# the "thumbnailPhoto" property of the specified user in AD
function UpDate-AD-Picture {
param ([STRING] $UserName, [STRING] $JPEGfilePath)
if ( ($JPEGfilePath) -and (test-path($JPEGfilePath)) ) {
[BYTE[]] $JPEG = Get-Content $JPEGfilePath -encoding BYTE
$domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$root = $domain.GetDirectoryEntry()
$search = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher] $root
$search.Filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person)(samAccountName=$UserName))"
$result = $search.FindOne()
if ($result -ne $null) {
$user = $result.GetDirectoryEntry()
$user.put("thumbnailPhoto", $JPEG )
Write-output "$($user.DisplayName) updated"
else {
Write-output "'$UserName' was not found in AD."
else {
write-output "The file '$JPEGfilePath' was not found!"
Update-AD-Picture "LukeB" "C:\shared\tabitha1.jpg"