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It's my blog...

I've had this blog for over a month, and while I've composed several entries, I haven't
posted any of them. The problem, for me, has been how to start, where to start. I
have other blogs, but that's annonymous, which somehow makes it easier for me to put
myself out there. This blog has my name on it, there in the public view, and also
exists in the context of my work life -- something I usually consider separate from
my views and opinions. But there are lots of other people here putting themselves
out there, and I'm another face of Microsoft (although you're going to get less technical
and more personal here than at other places on gotdotnet.) So be it, consider this
my start: My name is Laura John and I'm a Program Manager at MSDN. I've worked in
the software industry for a Really Long time, including both shrink wrap and web gigs.
I love being a PM, the opportunities to leverage your efforts in order to make a much
bigger impact that one individual could make alone. I also love working at Microsoft
(although there was a time when I swore I wouldn't ever work here; someday I'll write
about that) for about a thousand reasons. One of which is that when you need a new
challenge, it's acceptable and encouraged for you to find another opportunity in the
company, and if you're patient, there are great opportunties. I also love working
at MSDN; I've been here two months and it already feels like home. The people here
are smart, passionate and creative -- all of them, it's pretty amazing.
I'm in my element here. There are certainly opportunities for us to do better, but
we're committed to improving -- a process and people wonk's dream. So, this is it,
my first entry. Now I can write the other stuff, and pretend that you know me. But
that will take years, right?
