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Software Contracts, Part 4: Documentation

 The other day, I started talking about software contracts.  Today I'd like to start talking about how contracts are embodied.

The primary place people go to look for a function's explicit contract is the documentation for that function, either in the published documentation or in the header for the function (that's why the routine header I mentioned way back here is so important), and why it's so critical to make sure that the header accurately reflects the function.

So how are software contracts realized?  They can take several forms - contracts are either explict or implicit.  Explicit contracts are spelled out in the function's declaration or documentation.

So let's take a look at an example of an embodiment of a software contract - the documentation for the Win32 ReadFile API.  According to the documentation, the function reads from a file starting at the current file pointer.  It also indicates that the function has synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation.

There are 6 parameters to ReadFile: hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesRead, lpNumberOfBytesRead, and lpOverlapped.  I'm doing to discuss the contracts for the three of them.

The documentation for hFile says (in part):

[in] A handle to the file to be read.

The file handle must be created with the GENERIC_READ access right. For more information, see File Security and Access Rights.

For asynchronous read operations, hFile can be any handle that is opened with the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag by the CreateFile function, or a socket handle returned by the socket or accept function.

The documentation for lpBuffer says:

[out] A pointer to the buffer that receives the data read from a file

The documentation for lpNumberOfBytesRead says:

[out] A pointer to the variable that receives the number of bytes read.

ReadFile sets this value to 0 (zero) before doing any work or error checking. If this parameter is 0 (zero) when ReadFile returns TRUE on a named pipe, the other end of the message mode pipe calls the WriteFile function with nNumberOfBytesToWrite set to 0 (zero).

If lpOverlapped is NULL, lpNumberOfBytesRead cannot be NULL.

If lpOverlapped is not NULL, lpNumberOfBytesRead can be NULL.

If this is an overlapped read operation, you can get the number of bytes read by calling GetOverlappedResult.

If hFile is associated with an I/O completion port, you can get the number of bytes read by calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus.

If I/O completion ports are used and you are using a callback routine to free the memory that is allocated to the OVERLAPPED structure pointed to by the lpOverlapped parameter, specify NULL as the value of this parameter to avoid a memory corruption problem during the deallocation. This memory corruption problem causes an invalid number of bytes to be returned in this parameter.

So let's look at what the contract for ReadFile says about these three parameters.

First the explicit statements:

  1. The caller is responsible for providing a HANDLE input value that points to a opened Win32 handle.  The object to which the handle points has to have been opened for GENERIC_READ[1].
  2. The caller is responsible for providing a pointer to valid memory for the lpBuffer parameter.  That buffer MUST be of length at least nNumberOfBytesToRead in length.
  3. The caller is responsible for providing EITHER a valid lpOverlapped parameter (which points to valid memory of length sizeof(OVERLAPPED)) or a a valid lpNumberOfBytes (which points to valid memory of length sizeof(DWORD)) or both (that comes from the 2nd "If lpOverlapped..." clause.
  4. ReadFile guarantees that the value of lpNumberOfBytesRead is either 0 (on failure) or the number of bytes read (on success).  Under all circumstances, the lpNumberOfBytesRead parameter will contain the number of bytes read.

Now the implicit parts of the contract:

  1. The HANDLE, lpBuffer, lpNumberOfBytesRead (and lpOverlapped) values need to remain valid for the lifetime of the API call (more on that in a smidge).
  2. The ReadFile API will write at most nNumberOfBytesToRead to lpBuffer.  In other words, lpBuffer[nNumberOfBytesToRead] will remain unchanged by the API.


What things can you infer about the implementation as represented in the ReadFile contract:

  1. It's probably a bad idea to specify both an lpOverlapped and a lpNumberOfBytesRead parameter if you're using I/O completion ports - this comes from the 6th comment which discusses I/O completion ports and indicates that there's some mechanism that could cause memory corruption after completion.  There must be something that happens when I/O associated with a completion port runs.


What is NOT included in the ReadFile contract?

  • Performance guarantees - there is no indication in the contract for ReadFile about how long the operation should take, programs can make no assumptions about this.
  • If the function fails, there are no guarantee about any side effects. For ReadFile, that's not a big deal, but for WriteFile it's more relevant - for WriteFile, the API doesn't include any guarantees of the state of the region of the file being written.  In addition, if ReadFile completes with an error, nothing can be assumed about the contents of the memory - it might have been updated with some data from the file, it might not[2].
  • There is no indication of the state of the contents of the buffer while the call to ReadFile is in progress - the only guarantee is that at the time the API call completes successfully, the contents of the buffer will contain the relevant data from the file.
  • What happens when multiple threads call the synchronous file APIs simultaneously.  This was explicitly left out of the contract because the results are undefined when you do it.


One interesting discussion that came up w.r.t. the PlaySound API is that it's often difficult to know the lifetime of the API call.  ReadFile has the same issues - there's no way of knowing how long the call to ReadFile might take (it could literally be hours).  If the call to ReadFile is async, it means that the memory pointed to by the lpBuffer parameter must remain valid until the read completes.

The good news is that for ReadFile it IS possible to know if the API has completed - for instance, you can use the HasOverlappedIoCompleted API to determine if an async read has completed (there are multiple other mechanisms that are well documented).  However it's critical that the memory pointed to by the lpOverlapped, lpNumberOfBytesRead and lpBuffer  parameters all remain valid until the time that the API call completes.

Next: Annotations as a form of software contract.


[1] Note: this is actually wrong.  ReadFile requires the file handle be open for FILE_READ_DATA for disk files, GENERIC_READ grants more rights than is necessarily required.

[2] Note: For some kinds of errors, there actually IS a guarantee explicitly included in the contract - when reading from a named pipe in message mode, the ReadFile API can return a distinguished error (ERROR_MORE_DATA) which indicates that some data in the buffer may be valid.


Edit: Added comment about simultaneous operations not being in the contract.  Also fixed a really stupid typo.


  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2007
    I think MSDN is mostly excellent, but ReadFile provides an example of something it does wrong.  Where a single function provides an interface to quite distinct functionality (in this case synchronous read and asynchronous read) it is confusing to organize the documentation around parameters.  All the "if that parameter is x, then this parameter means y" requires careful reading and it's easy to make mistakes. It would be much clearer to split it into two sections "Synchronous read" and "Asynchronous read" and describe each of the parameters under these headings. Worse, some paragraphs only apply when hFile is a regular file, but this isn't made clear.  (For example, the page contradicts itself about the meaning of success with zero bytes read.)  It might help if the page was also organized by file handle type. I appreciate your post, but the ReadFile documentation really doesn't need to be this confusing.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2007
    I'm interested to know if the file pointer is guaranteed to remain as it was before the ReadFile call in the case of an error. I'll bet a lot of code assumes that. Another thing that I imagine is fairly wide spread is assuming that lpNumberOfBytesRead == nNumberOfBytesRead is always true on success for certain types of file handles (like disk files). Both things that need to be part of the contract for really rock solid code but I end up coding defensively because I'm not privvy to the answers.

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2007
    Luke, actually that's covered elsewhere in the documentation (for overlapped I/O, the I/O offset is in the LPOVERLAPPED). But you have an interesting point - no where in the contract for ANY of the file APIs does it state what happens if you issue multiple file operations on multiple threads (this is explicitly left out of the contract because the results are undefined).

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2007
    It should be "There are 6 parameters to ReadFile: hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead, lpNumberOfBytesRead, and lpOverlapped.  I'm doing to discuss the contracts for the three of them." instead of "...nNumberOfBytesRead..." Regards,

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2007
    Compare ReadFile to NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtReadFile( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN HANDLE Event OPTIONAL, IN PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine OPTIONAL, IN PVOID ApcContext OPTIONAL, OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN PLARGE_INTEGER ByteOffset OPTIONAL, IN PULONG Key OPTIONAL); -FileHandle must be to a kernel file object that grants FILE_READ_DATA access. If a synchronous file, SYNCHRONIZE must also be granted. -Event (if present) is signaled when the operation completes. Event must have EVENT_MODIFY_STATE access. -ApcRoutine (if present) is queued to the calling thread when the operation completes. -If the file is associated with an IO completion port, a completion entry is queued when the operation completes. -ApcContext is passed to ApcRoutine and/or IO completion entry if called. -IoStatusBlock recieves completion status and the data length returned by the operation. It must be valid during the entire operation. -Buffer receives the requested data. It must be valid during the entire operation. -Length is the maximum size of Buffer and the amount of data requested. -ByteOffset specifies the starting location of the read. It can be NULL with a synchronous file, in which case the current file location is used. For synchronous files, the current position is set by this parameter (if present), and is always incremented by the amount actually read. -Key allows the operation to proceed on a locked range, iif the key value matches the lock Key value. The return value is the initial status of the operation. For a synchronous operation, this is also the final status because the operation completes before the function returns. For an asynchronous operation, the status may be STATUS_PENDING, in which case the final status will only be returned in IoStatusBlock->Status. A success status indicates that the operation completed successfully as requested. A warning status (such as STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) indicates partial success. An error status indicates that the operation failed. Completion notification (via Event, APC or IoCompletion packet) will be sent, and IoStatusBlock will be updated regardless of the operation's success or failure. (These guarantees depend on the caller's contractual obligations being met) Notes: -There's no silliness about OVERLAPPED, a separate bytes returned parameter and possible corruption. -NtWriteFile's signature is identical (except that the Buffer parameter is now IN), but requires FILE_WRITE_DATA instead of FILE_READ_DATA. -ReadFile actually calls NtReadFile (on NT based systems) to do the IO -Unfortunately, this API isn't documented...

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2007
    Actually the contract for NtReadFile is significantly more complicated than the contract for ReadFile.   The Event, ByteOffset and IoStatusBlock parameters are encapsulated in the LPOVERLAPPED structure, which means that for the 99% case (synchronous I/O), you don't have to provide any of them.  The other parameters to NtReadFile (except APCContext) are identical to the similar parameters to ReadFile. Every one of the tricky bits in ReadFile are present in NtReadFile.  Every single one, including the bit about multiple simultaneous operations, the buffer needing to be valid, etc. Oh, and the biggest difference between the two:  The contract for the ReadFile API is guaranteed to remain stable for the life of Windows.  There is ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE about the contract for NtReadFile.  It could completely change on the next service pack. The NtReadFile API provides absolutely no functionality that isn't also exposed in ReadFile (and ReadFileEx), there's no reason EVER to call this function (and there are a lot of reasons NOT to call this function).

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2007
    Hearing that reading a file is undefined when done from multiple threads scares me. I would understand writing to one but reading? We have to synchronize reading? Wow.

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2007
    Let me clarify my previous comment - you probably meant that the results are undefined when one calls the synchronous API from multiple threads on the same handle. That is understandable. But I hope multiple calls on multiple handles (even ones pointing to the same file) are ok.

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2007
    I'm more discombobulated than usual on this series, I totally missed the third article in the series