Hello Mrs. Osterman
Absolutely nothing technical today, just a shout-out to someone I love :).
At some point, about 5 or 6 years ago, Valorie decided that it was time for her to go back to school to get her teaching certificate. It turns out that her college courses didn't quite meet the entrance requirements for the local schools that offer Masters in Teaching (MiT) programs, so about 6 years ago she started taking an almost full time course load at various local schools. In addition to working six to eight hours a day in our kids classroom, she also took two or three classes per semester filling in the gaps in her previous degree.
Two years ago, Valorie started in the MiT program at CityU taking a full time masters course load while continuing to work in the 5/6 classroom (this time as a teacher's aide).
She's now about 3 months away from graduation, and today she started the final major step in finally receiving her degree - today's her first day as a student teacher.
I know it's been a long hard 6 years for her, I've seen how hard she's worked achieving one of her lifelong goals.
So, if you'll excuse the potentially inappropriate paraphrase:
"So here's to you Mrs. Osterman"
Congratulations sweetheart, it's been a long road but the end is finally in sight.
- Anonymous
March 06, 2006
"...Larry loves you more than you will know.....woah woah woah." - Anonymous
March 06, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 06, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 06, 2006
Ar... these 6 years must be tough one. Considering school teaching in the day and studing at night, and wait... the housekeeping as well. Now add that with bringing up 2 childs... My back feel sore just by thinking of these... :P
I'm going to admire her for just not giving up. :) - Anonymous
March 06, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 08, 2006
Congrats, if there's one thing the world needs, it's good teachers!