Struck by Silver-lightening!
The cat is out of the bag, yes, Silverlight 2 Beta 1 is now available for everybody to download and use. My past few months have been spent learning Silverlight 2 and building Silverlight 2 controls.
Controls I worked on: I was on the team responsible for the following controls which made their way into the Silverlight 2 Beta 1 SDK:
- ContentControl and ContentPresenter
- The Button family which includes
- Button, HyperlinkButton, RepeatButton
- The ToggleButton family which includes ToggleButton, CheckBox, RadioButton
- Slider and RangeBase
I hope to blog about some of them individually and share interesting tips and tricks on how to use them and customize them for your specific purposes.
Setting up your Silverlight environment:
You can find instructions on setting up your Silverlight development environment here. I would like to use the Expression Beta 2 suite to make my future samples good looking. You can download the whole suite from here. Controls source code can be downloaded from here. It is so easy!
Asking Silverlight questions:
We have worked very hard on these controls and we do hope that they serve you well. If you would like to discuss controls specific issues feel free to contact me or you can share them on the Silverlight Controls Forum. If you have general Silverlight related queries you can find the right forum on
March 05, 2008
Can you tell me what the specifications for Silverlight are?Anonymous
March 05, 2008
Hi Geld - Could you elaborate a litte more on what you mean by "specifications"?Anonymous
July 03, 2008
Go to there is a lot of information. Erik webmaster: http://www.geldlenen24x7.nlAnonymous
July 26, 2008
Indeed is the best source!Anonymous
April 17, 2009
Silverlighting is a great step its a realy good and usefull product