What is a group anyway?
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January 01, 2003
Not sure I follow you - health explorer will show all monitors targeting a specific object of a class.... plus any rollup monitors linked by a dependency. Are you targeting a group with your monitors and hence its not working? You cannot target groups with a workflow. Feel free to contact me directly via the contact form on the blog - might be too complicated for this forum.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Not really on topic, but we would like to list all groups that a particular server is a member of. Any idea on how we could do that? Thanks.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
To see all groups a computer is a member of (or any object) change "omdw" in the following query to your computername: SELECT SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName AS 'Group' FROM RelationshipGenericView WHERE TargetMonitoringObjectDisplayName like ('%omdw%') AND (SourceMonitoringObjectDisplayName IN (SELECT ManagedEntityGenericView.DisplayName FROM ManagedEntityGenericView INNER JOIN (SELECT BaseManagedEntityId FROM BaseManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE (BaseManagedEntityId = TopLevelHostEntityId) AND (BaseManagedEntityId NOT IN (SELECT R.TargetEntityId FROM Relationship AS R WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.fn_ContainmentRelationshipTypes() AS CRT ON R.RelationshipTypeId = CRT.RelationshipTypeId WHERE (R.IsDeleted = 0)))) AS GetTopLevelEntities ON GetTopLevelEntities.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT BaseManagedEntityId FROM TypedManagedEntity WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE (ManagedTypeId IN (SELECT DerivedManagedTypeId FROM dbo.fn_DerivedManagedTypes(dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_Group()) AS fn_DerivedManagedTypes_1))) AS GetOnlyGroups ON GetOnlyGroups.BaseManagedEntityId = ManagedEntityGenericView.Id)) ORDER BY 'Group'Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Thanks for that Kevin, much appreciated. I think I'll create a report to put it in. Following on from that, would you also be able to tell me how we could get a listing of all Subscriptions containing a particular Group?Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Just want to add a note that might be useful to some when troubleshooting Dynamic group population like the one shown here: the "Matches Wildcard" operator is CASE-SENSITIVE, as far as I know. Therefore, depending on how your machines names have been written (when windows was installed) and therefore discovered, the above sample might or might not be populating your group, so you might need to add multiple criterias matching combinations or lower and upper case characters in NetBIOS names...Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Coming back to this post a few years later... to say that on my recent OpsMgr 2012 environment, the "MatchesWildcard" now appears to correctly work by doing a case-insensitive match, unlike what I remembered from some years ago. It must have been fixed at one point, but I am not sure when.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Absolutely correct. I show an example of this in http://blogs.technet.com/kevinholman/archive/2008/02/01/configuring-notifications-to-include-specific-alerts-from-specific-groups-and-classes.aspxAnonymous
May 17, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 25, 2010
What if you want to query the groups from the data warehouse. The same structures don't seem to exist in the same way.Anonymous
November 29, 2014
This is the first of five part blog series about the System Center Operations Manager 2012 - Management