Quick tip [link]: Expression Encoder 4 SP1 released
Expression Encoder team has released a service pack to Expression Encoder 4 Pro.
One feature that stands out is the support for NVIDIA CUDA-accelerated GPUs. This accelerates the encoding process and increases the number of live streams your PC can handle and allows you to get more streams into your broadcast.
There is a series of other new features mentioned on the team’s blog site of which we note:
- Screen capture as a live source
- Live templates
- Support fort Windows Phone 7 presets
- Live Push/Pull
- Improved de-interlacing options
- DRM content keys
- …
Direct link to official team blog post: Expression Encoder 4 SP1 released!
‘ Quick tip ’ posts are short, useful posts pointing to content and tricks that might otherwise go lost in a typical 140 chars message on Twitterverse.