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a tough day in the biking world


As you know I am an avid bicycle rider.  Over the weekend a couple of very high profile crashes.  Matt Lauer of the Today Show crashed while trying to avoid a Deer on Long Island.  Sounds like he had surgery on his shoulder but should be back at work this week.

And then there is Lance Armstrong. Broke his collarbone while in a multi biker crash in Spain. says he will still ride in the Tour de France this summer.


Check this quote on the today show blog:

We watch the today show every morning to get a bit of news in for the day before we go off to work and school. My 7 year was very confused (yes, he likes to watch in the morning as well) when he didn't see Matt on the show this morning. He said "Mom, when is Matt coming back? Did he get a new job?". I replied that I thought maybe he was still on vacation. Then Meredith announced Matt's accident and my son's reply was "you can't hit a deer on a bike, he is trying to play hookie from work". Needless to say, at Matt's expense, we all had a nice laugh to start our Monday morning. Matt, we wish you a speedy recovery. Maybe you should put one of those deer whistlers on the front of your bike. Some people say they work. Just teasing.
The Berg Family
Columbus, Georgia