サポート技術情報 (6/7-6/20) - Windows Server 2008 R2 資料公開 編
<今週のPickup: Windows Server 2008 R2 資料公開>
現在ベータ版を提供しております次世代サーバー Windows Server 2008 R2 に関するホワイトペーパー、パワーポイント形式の資料などを纏めた Web サイトを公開しました!。
Windows Server 2008 R2 Documentation & Resources
File Name: |
File Size |
Active_Directory_Windows_Server_2008_R2_Updates.pptx |
1.3 MB |
Building_an_Efficient_Branch_Infrastructure_Using_Windows_Server.pptx |
5.5 MB |
Developing_Applications_For_More_Than_64_Logical_Processors_In_Windows_Server 2008_R2.pptx |
1.5 MB |
Enabling_Test_Automation_Using_Windows_Server_2008_Hyper-V.pptx |
317 KB |
Extending_Terminal_Services_and_Hyper-V_VDI_In_Windows_Server_2008_R2.pptx |
1.1 MB |
IIS_in_Windows_Server_2008_R2.pptx |
456 KB |
LiveMigrationWhitepaper_Final.doc |
1.9 MB |
Microsoft_Internet_Information_Services_7_And_Beyond.pptx |
4.9 MB |
Optimizing_Applications_for_Remote_File_Access_Over_WAN.pptx |
768 KB |
Presentation_Virtualization_Graphics_Remoting_(RDP)_Today_And_Tomorrow.pptx |
524 KB |
RDS - Top5Reasons-to-Upgrade_RC.doc |
97 KB |
Top_10_IT_Pro_Tasks_Made_Easier_By_WS08R2.doc |
62 KB |
Top_10_Reasons_to_Upgrade_to_WS08R2.doc |
65 KB |
VM processor compatibility mode.doc |
297 KB |
Windows PowerShell Efficiency and Management in WS08 R2- In Brief.doc |
89 KB |
Windows PowerShell in WS08 R2- In Brief.doc |
91 KB |
Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V RC Public FAQ.doc |
104 KB |
Windows_Server_2008 R2_Overview.pptx |
6.6 MB |
Windows_Server_2008_File_and_Storage_Solutions.pptx |
3.8 MB |
Windows_Server_2008_R2 _Overview.pptx |
6.0 MB |
Windows_Server_2008_R2_Failover_Clustering_In_Brief.doc |
76 KB |
Windows_Server_2008_R2_Reviewers_Guide_(RC).doc |
2.8 MB |
Windows_Server_2008_R2_Streamlined_Management.pptx |
1.2 MB |
Windows_Server_2008_R2_TDM_Whitepaper_(RC).doc |
3.5 MB |
Windows_Vista_PKI_Enhancement_in_Windows_7_and_Windows_Server_2008_R2.pptx |
2.2 MB |
WS08 R2 Failover Clustering White Paper.doc |
1.1 MB |
6/7-6/20に公開されましたサポート技術情報 (Knowledge Base) の一覧をご案内いたします!
文書番号 |
タイトル |
You cannot access a network share by using a client-side redirector that uses the server message block (SMB) protocol on a computer that is running Windows XP |
Restricted registry access in Internet Explorer when using Windows SteadyState |
You cannot access an administrative share on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, after you set the SrvsvcDefaultShareInfo registry entry to configure the default share permissions for a network share |
A server certificate renewal request that is created in Internet Information Services 7.0 is invalid |
The CLIENTNAME environment variable returns the value "Console" instead of the actual client name when users first log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using Remote Desktop Connection |
While resuming Windows XP Service Pack 3 from hibernation, you may see a blank screen instead of the splash screen |
You encounter a slow application startup or a slow logon on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista after you apply software restriction policies |
File copying from down-level systems to Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 is significantly slower if Intel I/OAT is enabled |
The logoff screen is displayed when you close a Citrix Metaframe application on a Windows Server 2008-based computer |
Microsoft Security Advisory: Update for DNS devolution |
Post-installation behavior on client computers after you install the DNS update |
The Active Directory Management Gateway Service is now available |
MS09-018: Description of the security update for Active Directory: June 2009 |
MS09-018: Description of the security update for Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM): June 2009 |
An optional update is available to update the Daylight Saving Time for Bangladesh for the year 2009 for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 based computers |
You cannot enter the FQDN of all printer servers into the "Point and Print Restrictions" policy in Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista |
A warning event is logged repeatedly on a member computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 R2 when you configure read-only replicated folders on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 |
The Ipconfig.exe utility crashes when you run the ipconfig command together with the /displaydns switch on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista |
Some TCP/IP parameters in the registry are changed to incorrect values when you use the NETSH command to modify TCP/IP global parameters on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista |
Per-machine printer connections that are removed are still displayed in the GPO report about a print client computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista |
The report generation process may stop responding when you run Perfmon.exe with the Active Directory Diagnostics template to generate a report on a Windows Server 2008-based domain controller |
The kpasswd protocol fails with a KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN error after you perform an authoritative restore on the krbtgt account in a Windows Server 2008 domain |