Using the RS.EXE utility to deploy a Report Server Project and Shared Dataset.
Since broadening my area of concentration and branching out from Microsoft Analysis Services to the broader Microsoft Business Intelligence Stack, I've encountered quite a few new challenges and opportuities. One of the more recent challenges was how to deploy a Reporting Services project. When using BI Development Studio or, in the case of the SQL Server 2012 tool set, SQL Server Data Tools deployment is a relatively trivial matter. This deployment task, however, involved programmatic deployment of Data Sources, Reports, and Shared DataSets. It didn't take long to discover that Reporting Services ships the RS script hosting utility, which can be used for any number of administrative tasks related to a Reporting Services implementation.
The RS utility is a script hosting utility that uses VB.NET script, so if you're familiar with VB.NET and scripting, it's relatively easy to create .rss files to perform just about any task that you might want to perform. There are a number of sample scripts that are available in Books On Line and there are several examples of .rss scripts available on the web. David Elish has posted a useful .rss script for automation of some tasks. Jasper Smith has made the Reporting Services Scripter utility available. Armed with that knowledge and a false sense of security, I thought this should be easy.
Just one minor problem. Shared Datasets were new with the 2008 R2 release and there were no updated samples that shipped with that release. The familiar Reporting Services 2005 and Reporting Services 2008 classes were there, but they didn't support Shared DataSets or deployment to a Reporting Services server configured for SharePoint integrated mode. Fortunately, there was a new Reporting Services 2010 class that introduced a CreateCatalogItem method and enabled the RS utility to be used with Native mode as well as SharePoint Integrated Mode. Coincidentally, the CreateCatalogItem method can be used with Reports, DataSources, and DataSets, so after a bit of reading I was ready to code.
Note that the RS utility is run from a command prompt, and on Windows Server 2008 R2 or later, it needs to be run from a command prompt with elevated permissions. In order to run the tool, you must have permissions to connect to the report server instance against which the script will be run. What follows is the code for an RS script that can be used to deploy a Reporting Services Project, including Data Sources, Shared DataSets, and Reports, to a Report Server. Hopefully you'll find it useful.
The command line for running this script is:
rs.exe -i <path_to_script> -s <url_of_report_server> -v ReportFolder="<report_folder_name>" -v DataSetFolder="<DataSet_Folder_Name>" -v DataSourceFolder="<DataSource_Folder_Name>" -v DataSourcePath="/<DataSource_Path>" -v filePath="<Path_To_Report_Server_Project_Files>" -eMgmt2010
'Begin Script
Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing
Dim bytedefinition as [Byte]() = nothing
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
'Main Entry point of utility
Public Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Initiating Deployment")
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
'Create the shared data source
CreateFolders(DataSourceFolder,"/","Data Sources","Visible")
'Create the folder that will contain the shared data sets
CreateFolders(DataSetFolder, "/", "Data Set Folder", "Visible")
'Create the folder that will contain the deployed reports
CreateFolders(ReportFolder, "/", "Report Folder","Visible")
Catch goof As Exception
End Try
ReadFiles(filepath, "*.rds")
ReadFiles(filepath, "*.rsd")
ReadFiles(filepath, "*.rdl")
'Publish the report
UpdateDataSources(ReportFolder, DataSourcePath)
End Sub
'Utility for creation of folders
Public Sub CreateFolders(ByVal folderName as string, ByVal parentPath as string, ByVal description as String, ByVal visible as string)
Console.WriteLine("Checking for Target Folders")
'CatalogItem properties
Dim descriptionProp as new [Property]
descriptionProp.Name = "Description"
descriptionProp.Value= description
Dim visibleProp as new [Property]
visibleProp.Name = "Visible"
visibleProp.value= visible
Dim props(1) as [Property]
props(0) = descriptionProp
props(1) = visibleProp
Console.WriteLine("Folder {0} successfully created", foldername)
Catch goof as SoapException
If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists")>0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Folder {0} already exists",foldername)
End If
End Try
End Sub
'Utility for reading files from the Report Sevices Project
Public sub ReadFiles(filepath as string, fileextension as string)
Console.WriteLine("Reading Files from Report Services Project")
Dim rptdirinfo As System.IO.DirectoryInfo
rptdirinfo = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(filepath)
Dim filedoc As FileInfo()
filedoc = rptdirinfo.GetFiles(fileextension)
For rptcount As Integer = 0 To filedoc.Length-1
If Not filedoc(rptcount).Name.ToString.Trim.ToUpper.Contains("BACKUP") Then
SELECT Case fileextension
Case "*.rds"
Case "*.rsd"
Case "*.rdl"
End Select
End If
Catch goof as Exception
Console.WriteLine("In ReadFiles " + goof.message)
End Try
End Sub
'Utility for Creating Shared Data Sets contained in the project
Public Sub CreateDataSet(ByVal filename as string)
Dim valstart as integer
Dim valend as integer
Dim DSDefinitionStr as string
Dim DataSourceName as string
Dim QueryString as string
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath + "\" + filename )
definition = New [Byte](stream.Length-1) {}
stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))
For i As Integer = 0 To definition.Length - 1
DSDefinitionStr = DSDefinitionStr + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(definition(i).ToString)))
If valstart > 0 Then
valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<DataSourceReference>") + 21
valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</DataSourceReference>")
DataSourceName=DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)
End If
Catch e As IOException
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Deploy DataSet {0}", filename)
Dim item as CatalogItem
item=rs.CreateCatalogItem("DataSet",filename, "/" + DataSetFolder, false, definition, nothing, warnings)
If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then
Dim warning As Warning
For Each warning In warnings
if warning.message.tostring.tolower.contains("refers to the shared data source") then
Console.WriteLine("Connecting DataSet {0} to Data Source {1}",filename, DataSourceName)
Dim referenceData() as ItemReferenceData = rs.GetItemReferences("/" + DataSetFolder + "/" + filename,"DataSet")
Dim references(0) as ItemReference
Dim reference as New ItemReference()
Dim datasourceURL = DataSourcePath + "/" + DataSourceName
Console.WriteLine("Reference name = " +
rs.SetItemReferences("/" + DataSetFolder + "/" + filename, references)
end if
Next warning
Console.WriteLine("DataSet: {0} published successfully with no warnings", filename)
End If
Catch goof as SoapException
If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists")>0 Then
Console.WriteLine("The DataSet {0} already exists",fileName.ToString)
If goof.Message.IndexOf("published")=-1 Then
End If
End If
End Try
'UpdateDataSetSources(filename,DataSetFolder, DataSourceFolder,DataSourceName)
End Sub
'Utility for creating Data Sources on the Server
Public Sub CreateDataSource(filename as string)
'Define the data source definition.
Dim dsDefinition As New DataSourceDefinition()
Dim DataSourceName as string
Dim valstart As Integer
Dim valend As Integer
Dim ConnectionString As String
Dim Extension As String
Dim IntegratedSec As String
Dim DataSourceID As String
Dim PromptStr As String
Dim DSDefinitionStr As String
DSDefinitionStr = ""
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Deploy Data Source {0}", DataSourceName)
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(filepath + "\" + filename)
bytedefinition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(bytedefinition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))
For i As Integer = 0 To bytedefinition.Length - 1
DSDefinitionStr = DSDefinitionStr + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt16(bytedefinition(i).ToString)))
Catch goof As IOException
End Try
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<ConnectString>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</ConnectString>") Then
valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<ConnectString>") + 15
valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</ConnectString>")
ConnectionString = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)
End If
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<Extension>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</Extension>") Then
valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<Extension>") + 11
valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</Extension>")
Extension = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)
End If
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<IntegratedSecurity>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</IntegratedSecurity>") Then
valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<IntegratedSecurity>") + 20
valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</IntegratedSecurity>")
IntegratedSec = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)
End If
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<DataSourceID>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</DataSourceID>") Then
valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<DataSourceID>") + 14
valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</DataSourceID>")
DataSourceID = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)
End If
If DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("<Prompt>") And DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Contains("</Prompt>") Then
valstart = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("<Prompt>") + 8
valend = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.IndexOf("</Prompt>")
PromptStr = DSDefinitionStr.ToString.Substring(valstart, valend - valstart)
End If
dsdefinition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Integrated
dsdefinition.ConnectString = ConnectionString
dsdefinition.Enabled = True
dsdefinition.EnabledSpecified = True
dsdefinition.Extension = extension
dsdefinition.ImpersonateUser = False
dsdefinition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True
'Use the default prompt string.
If PromptStr.ToString.Length=0 Then
dsdefinition.Prompt = Nothing
dsdefinition.Prompt = PromptStr
End if
dsdefinition.WindowsCredentials = False
rs.CreateDataSource(DataSourceName, "/" + DataSourceFolder, False, dsdefinition, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Data source {0} created successfully", DataSourceName.ToString)
Catch goof as SoapException
If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists")>0 Then
Console.WriteLine("The Data Source name {0} already exists",DataSourceName.ToString)
End If
End Try
End Sub
'Utility to Publish the Reports
Public Sub PublishReport(ByVal reportName As String)
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath + "\" + reportName )
definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))
Catch e As IOException
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Deploy Report Name {0}", reportname.tostring)
Dim item as CatalogItem
item=rs.CreateCatalogItem("Report",reportname, "/" + ReportFolder, false, definition,nothing, warnings)
'warnings = rs.CreateCatalogItem(reportName, "/" + ReportFolder, False, definition, Nothing)
If Not (warnings Is Nothing) Then
Dim warning As Warning
For Each warning In warnings
Next warning
Console.WriteLine("Report: {0} published successfully with no warnings", reportName)
End If
Catch goof as SoapException
If goof.Message.Indexof("AlreadyExists")>0 Then
Console.WriteLine("The Report Name {0} already exists",reportName.ToString)
If goof.Message.IndexOf("published")=-1 Then
End If
End If
End Try
End Sub
'Utility to Update The Data Sources on the Server
Public Sub UpdateDataSources(ReportFolder as string, DataSourcePath as string)
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
Dim item as CatalogItem
Dim items as CatalogItem()
items=rs.ListChildren("/" + ReportFolder, False)
For Each item in items
Dim dataSources() as DataSource = rs.GetItemDataSources(item.Path)
For Each ds as DataSource in dataSources
Dim sharedDs(0) as DataSource
sharedDs(0)=GetDataSource(DataSourcePath, ds.Name)
rs.SetItemDataSources(item.Path, sharedDs)
Console.WriteLine("Set " & ds.Name & " datasource for " & item.Path & " report")
Console.WriteLine("Shared data source reference set for reports in the {0} folder.", ReportFolder)
Catch goof As SoapException
End Try
End Sub
'Function to Reference Data Sources
Private Function GetDataSource(sharedDataSourcePath as string, dataSourceName as String) as DataSource
Dim reference As New DataSourceReference()
Dim ds As New DataSource
reference.Reference = sharedDataSourcePath & "/" & dataSourceName
ds.Item = CType(reference, DataSourceDefinitionOrReference)
ds.Name = dataSourceName
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Publish Data Source {0}", ds.Name)
End Function
December 26, 2012
Hello, this approach heavily leverages the format of the rdl, rsd, rds XML files - is this to say the API doesn't support particular functionality (eg. assigning a Data Set a Data Source, when you have to determine the Data Source name - thinking this would be a call to GetItemReferences/SetItemReferences). If at all possible surely the API approach is preferredAnonymous
January 27, 2013
I have tried your script, for the most part it works great. However, I have a report with a shared dataset. Your script does not associate the report to the dataset.Anonymous
January 31, 2013
The script is a work in progress, and I'm planning on adding functionality to associate reports with shared datasets when I get some free time.Anonymous
April 18, 2013
Hi John, I am in need of your script very badly which is written above.But I need Shared data source implementation also.It would be great if you spend some time and help me with the script for setting the RDLs to Shared datasets.And also it would be great if you add code for mapping the RDL directly to the Datasource. Thanks in Advance...Anonymous
April 21, 2013
John,I am also in need of same script what kiran need.Could you please help with me..Anonymous
May 13, 2013
I'll see what I can do when I get some time in late June or early July.Anonymous
October 23, 2013
Did you have the time check the functionality to associate reports with shared datasets ?Anonymous
November 29, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 18, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 08, 2014
Many Thanks John, I was trying to automate the Deployment for quite some time and this is an excellent code base. I have added few more functionality and automated with batch file. Please check here
April 15, 2014
The script does not compile, The specified script failed to compile with the following errors: error BC30456: 'CreateCatalogItem' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.ReportingService2005'. and more such errorsAnonymous
April 18, 2014
Hi Swati. This script is based on SSRS 2008 R2 and uses features that are not available in SSSRS 2005.Anonymous
June 26, 2014
Thank you for put rss code here. rs.exe -i myScriptFile.rss -s http://myServer/reportserver -u [domain]username -p password how to use username and password in rss file? I am not able to found on MSDN. I found below code lines from web, but how to use rs arguments in below code lines in rss file. rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials rs.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password, domain) I am waiting for it.Anonymous
August 25, 2014
Where and how in this code are we setting the reference for reports to use shared dataset we created?Anonymous
August 28, 2014
Hi Jiken, you should include the rs.credentials Definition into your .rss file, really. Whenever a sub calls the rs Webservice, credentials must be passed for user authenfication. Pls find below a snippet for Reportserver Webservice SQL Server 2008 and later: rs.Url = "http://han-ax-bid/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx" rs.PreAuthenticate = True rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentialsAnonymous
January 01, 2015
Does someone has functionality to associate reports with shared datasets ?Anonymous
January 30, 2015
I'm working on that and will post an update as soon as I have a working sample.Anonymous
January 31, 2015
I have written a script that associates reports with shared datasets and datasources.Anonymous
April 12, 2015
Knut, can you please share the script.Anonymous
July 15, 2015
Knut, can you please share the script that associates reports with shared datasets and datasources.Anonymous
October 05, 2015
Did anyone got the association of shared Data source & dataset working, I am looking for it for a while now. Please share if anyone got it to work.Anonymous
November 10, 2015
The link posted by Nishar on 9 Mar 2014 has code for updating the shared data source and data set. Here's a copy of some code from my working script. Note that this is for sharepoint integrated reporting services, ymmv if using native mode. Left out is the code that publishes the report, which saves the report object as "item". DataSourcePath and DataSetPath are set to the full url of the folder containing sata sources and shared data sets, respectively: ' Update data reference Dim dataSources() As DataSource = rs.GetItemDataSources(item.Path) For Each ds As DataSource In dataSources Try Console.WriteLine("Updating DataSource {0}", ds.Name) Dim sharedDs(0) As DataSource sharedDs(0) = GetDataSource(DataSourcePath, ds.Name, DataSourceName) rs.SetItemDataSources(item.Path, sharedDs) Console.WriteLine("Set " & ds.Name & " datasource for " & item.Path & " report") Catch E As Exception Console.WriteLine(E.Message) End Try Next ' Update shared data sets Dim dataSets() As ItemReferenceData = rs.GetItemReferences(item.Path, "DataSet") For Each ds as ItemReferenceData In dataSets Try Dim references(0) As ItemReference Dim sharedDataSet As New ItemReference() sharedDataSet.Name = ds.Name Console.WriteLine("Attempting to Link Dataset {0}", ds.Name) sharedDataSet.Reference = DataSetPath + "/" + ds.Name + ".rsd" references(0) = sharedDataSet rs.SetItemReferences(item.Path, references) Console.WriteLine("Report " + item.Path + " Linked to data set " + DataSetPath + "/" + Convert.ToString(sharedDataSet.Name)) Catch E As Exception Console.WriteLine(E.Message) End Try NextAnonymous
December 16, 2015
hi john I used your script but stuck in shared dataset issue