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Clustering MSMQ applications - rule #1

[[Updated 6th October 2008 to add KB198893]] 

Just a quick post about one of the main gotchas.

A common misunderstanding can be over which MSMQ service is doing the work. On a simple 2-node MSMQ cluster there will be three instances of MSMQ:

  • Running on the first physical node (let's call it NodeA)
  • Running on the second physical node (NodeB)
  • Running in the cluster's virtual machine (VirtualMSMQ) - this is the clustered service

All three have their own physical storage - the local disk for the nodes and the shared disk for the virtual machine - and run in their own memory space independently of each other. In fact each should be treated as a physically separate machine, even though the virtual machine is running in the same physical RAM as one of the nodes.

The problem comes when you install an application that sends or receives messages.

Lets say I make a simple console app that I want to read messages from a queue I created in the virtual machine. To make things easy for myself, I'm addressing the queue with "./myqueue" where the "." is used to indicate a local resource. I've already populated the queue with messages by sending test messages to the queue from my laptop.

When I log on to NodeA and run the application, I get an "MSMQ service not available" exception. The reason for this is that the application needs to talk to a local queue manager and so communicates with the MSMQ service running on NodeA. So that service has to be running for the application to do any MSMQ work.

Now when I start the local service my application doesn't find any messages to read from the queue on the cluster; in fact the queue isn't there at all to open in the first place. This is because the application is trying to open "./myqueue" which is not recognised by the local queue manager as that queue does not exist on the local machine.

My application needs to be "local" to the clustered MSMQ queue manager and that means running it within the virtual machine. All I need to do is add a clustered application to the resource group that contains the clustered MSMQ resource (with its IP address, disk and network name). Now when the resource comes on-line, the application can communicate with the proper queue manager and messages can be read.

There is an easy test to see if you have configured your application correctly. Stop the local node MSMQ services and run the application. If it now complains that the MSMQ service is not available then you know the application hasn't been clustered properly.

One final confusion comes over the use of services. Fundamentally these are pretty much like normal applications except they get started automatically for you on bootup. On a cluster, though, there is a BIG difference as services do not run within the virtual machine. If a clustered service is added to a resource group then all that means is that the cluster manager controls whether your clustered service is running or not - effectively it is issuing a NET STOP or a NET START as appropriate. The service itself, though, is installed and configured on the physical which means it is totally unaware of the cluster resource group that it belongs to. So any service that is trying to treat the clustered MSMQ resource as a local queue manager will fail in the same way as running an application on the local node will.

[[New section]] 

The answer is to:

  • make sure the clustered applicationservice is dependent on MSMQ (so that the queue manager is there ready and waiting)
  • check the "Use Network Name for Computer Name" tick box so that the applicationservice thinks it is running on the virtual machine and not the network node

198893 Effects of Checking "Use Network Name for Computer Name" in MSCS;EN-US;198893

"Under the parameters page, make sure that the "Use Network Name for Computer Name" check box is selected. Selecting this check box has the effect of setting the environment variable _CLUSTER_NETWORK_NAME_ for the context of the application. Calls to GetHostName() and GetComputerName() return the value of the variable as opposed to the host name of computer name of the node."


  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Presumably you could also have your service reference the clustered queue, rather than just ".myqueue" I would imagine that the name of the queue your service uses is a configuration parameter, rather than a hard-coded thing, and so changing that would be easier than re-coding the service as an application...

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    Ah, that's a good point about transactional receives. I guess that's why you're the expert :-)

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2009
    John - I have a similar query you may be able to assist with. I have clustered nodes A and B, and IIS is running on both of these nodes too. I'm exposing a web service from IIS, and want to post a message to the clustered queue from within this webservice. Do I need to have the MSMQ service running locally on these nodes in this instance?

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2009
    Hi Morgan, I found the following KnowledgeBase article has the answer: 820985 You cannot access Message Queuing from a clustered instance of IIS;EN-US;820985 There are some important limitations to take note of in the "Workaround" section.

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009;EN-US;820985 is interesting in stating that you cannot connect to MSMQ from clustered IIS, but what it does not make clear is if it is possible to connect to a clustered msmq queue from a web service on a non clustered installation of IIS. We certainly can't seem to get that to work either. I would appreciate any tips on how to get it to work. Is it ever possible to have a clustered web service that is able to process a clustered msmq?

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    Hi, The wording of the KB article is important here - it says you can't access "Message Queuing". That is, the MSMQ service that an application must interact with to perform any messaging activity. The workaround in the KB is to make sure the local node's MSMQ service is running so that a queue manager is available for IIS to use. This is all distinct from accessing an MSMQ Queue. If your IIS ASP page can access the local queue manager then there are a couple of problems you may face sending or receiving messages:

  1. Make sure you open the queue using it's full name (networknamequeue or networknameprivate$queue) rather than using the local shortcut (.queue or .private$queue).
  2. Check the permissions on the queue and make sure the required accounts have access. An easy test that you have a permissions problem is if it all works when you give Everyone+AnonymousLogon access to the queue. What errors are you seeing? Cheers John Breakwell
  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2009
    Hi John I do not have any remote machines that are in the same firewall zone to try that out. The web service is sending messages, we are using a windows service to receive them. When the webservice creates a queue with ".private$newqueue1" it ends up on NODEA Regarding messages being queued directly - we know that is happening as the message count it incrementing in MMC - I just can see the messages themselves. This is a permissions issue, but we cannot see EXACTLY what user the queue is being created by. We have tried the NODEAASPNET, NODEANETWORK SERVICE, NODEALOCAL SERVICE, and NODEAIUSR_NODEA but done of them work either. Even giving anonymous and everyone full control does not allow us to see the messages. As we have tried in vain for so long to get this working without success in a clustered environment, we are going old school and writing our own interfaces to replace MSMQ. We managed to get a custom clustered windows service to interact with a clustered MSMQ service, but then ran into the issue of clustered IIS not interacting with message queuing. I had no option to use NLB in the architecture I have, so as a compromise attempted to just get a local IIS web service to talk to the clustered MSMQ but could not get that to work, even with the local MSMQ service running. (Can a local MSMQ service interact with a clustered MSMQ queue anyway?) Whatever route we take we cannot see how we can get a clustered web service to interact with a clustered queue, so with too many resilience compromises in play, we've decided to write our own system. I think it would be really useful to readers of this blog to state definatively if it possible for a clustered web service running under IIS (with the compromise of using an NLB rather than MSCS) to interact directly with a clustered MSMQ? If so a KB article on how to set it up would be most useful. Maybe using SQL Server Broker on a clustered SQL Server as an alternative to clustered MSMQ is the way to go - but thats for another day! Thanks Perry

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2009
    Hi Perry, There is nothing magical about how MSMQ behaves on a cluster. You've shown with ".private$newqueue1" that the webservice is effectively running on machine NODEA. The clustered MSMQ resource is running on CLUSTERAB. In your scenario it should behave just the same as having two standalone machines that happen to be called NODEA and CLUSTERAB. If giving anonymous and everyone full control to a queue does not allow you to see the messages then you do not have a permissions issue as you have effectively switched off queue-level security. If the web service is sending messages then the queue manager on NODEA will be trying to establish a network connection to CLUSTERAB to deliver them over. Computer Management can be used to check the status of the outgoing queue. Also, the next hop shows the IP address of the destination, which in this case should be the one associated with the CLUSTERAB network name. Problems I would look into are: For sending messages

1 Check the next hop IP address is valid. 2 If using path names, ensure CLUSTERAB appears as a domain member in "Active Directory: Users and Computers" with an MSMQ child object. For looking in the queues

This is an RPC operation and so different from sending messages, which uses the MSMQ protocol. I expect you are getting an "Access Denied" situation so could be a "Secured Remote Read" issue ( if all the machines are not domain members with MSMQ installed as AD-Integrated. Cheers John Breakwell (MSFT)

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2010
    John, The company I work for has a series of custom applications which use MSMQ to do such things as gather statistics from other servers, as well as do logging.  On all servers but our Database servers, MSMQ has no problem.  It will either be Connected (having been actively sending messages recently), or Inactive (being in a period of inactivity recently).  The Database servers are in a state of "Waiting to connect" perpetually for it's Outgoing Queues, and always seem to have a certain number of messages in the queues.  All servers are running Windows Server 2003 SP2. Our setup has two sites, and at each site is two Database servers.  Each pair of servers is clustered together, and at any one time, only one of the servers in the pair is active.  There are a set of shared drives between the two of them, and every couple of weeks we "roll" the clusters from one server to the other.  At that point, the Database server we just switched to takes over all of the services for the site.  A virtual IP address will always point to the current Database server. Our concern is why our queues are always in the "Waiting to connect" state.  A sample queue configuration is as follows: DIRECT=TCP:10.X.X.Xprivate$queuename This format works for all non-Database servers, but does not for the clustered servers.  The receiving server has the exact Private Queues configured and all others that connect to the same Queue have no difficulties in connecting.  This perplexes us.  Additionally, if you inspect the messages that are seemingly stuck in the Outgoing Queues for these clustered servers, the dates and times for them will always be from a point yesterday up to the moment you last refreshed the queue in the window.  The number of queued messages is not consistant between servers, either, with some having thousands of messages just sitting in the queue not doing anything in particular. I did not have a hand in creating these queues.  They have been in place for several years by my estimates, and the documentation on them when they were made is severely slim.  Unfortunately my own experience in handling MSMQ stretches only as far as monitoring them and recognizing when there is potentially a problem. Any help is appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    January 18, 2010
    Hi Jonathan, I am guessing that the messages are being sent out on the private network between the two cluster nodes. A network trace would show this. In the event log you should see a message when MSMQ starts up that details which IP address the (local node) service is going to use. You may want to set the MulticastBindIP registry value. Also, the messages are no older than yesterday probably because the developer set a TimeToLive of 24 hours on them. Your application is continually creating new messages but, as they don't get delivered, MSMQ deletes the old ones as they expire. Cheers John Breakwell (MSFT)

  • Anonymous
    April 01, 2010
    John, We finally got around to implementing MulticastBindIP a few weeks ago, but hit another speedbump after rolling the cluster node.  We did some research and learned of ClusterBindIP, which we set to the Shared Virtual IP Address for the cluster, and performed a test roll and roll back.  Our message queues have continued to function for over a week now thanks to this change. Thank you for your help.  Had you not mentioned setting MulticastBindIP, we may have never found ClusterBindIP.