Want to extend SharePoint Designer?
Well you can create your own activities if you're one of those clever dev types.
Alternatively you can go to the CodePlex site and download these custom workflow activities.
Send Email with HTTP File attachment - Allows sending emails with attachments retrieved using a web request
Send Email with List Item attachments - Allows sending list item attachments as files attached to an email
Start Another Workflow - Starts another workflow associated with a list item
Grant Permission on Item - Allows granting of specified permission level on a spicified item
Delete List Item Permission Assigment - Allows deleting of specified permission level assigment for a given user
Reset List Permissions Inheritance - removes any unique permissions assigned to an item by inheriting list permissions
Is User a member of a SharePoint group - Checks if a given user is part of given sharepoint group
Is Role assigned to User - Checks if a user role is already assigned on the current list item
NEW! Lookup user info - allows to lookup properties in site's user information list for a given login
January 01, 2003
News SharePoint and Non Profits an Awesome Mix Tools Feedback Web Part von Liam Cleary basierend aufAnonymous
January 01, 2003
News SharePoint and Non Profits an Awesome Mix Tools Feedback Web Part von Liam Cleary basierend auf