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We > Me: Joe Morel's Blog

Thoughts about online communities, Power Toys for Visual Studio, and personal experiences with Windows Media Player and Zune

Update your RSS feeds...I'm leaving Microsoft

For the past two years, I've been working to improve developer community here at Microsoft. We've...

Date: 08/07/2007

Online Community Unconference 2007 - A Recap

Last week I traveled with my manager down to Mountain View to attend the Online Community...

Date: 06/13/2007

Traveling to Online Community Unconference 2007

Tomorrow I will be attending the Online Community Unconference in Mountain View, CA. It's been a...

Date: 06/05/2007

Report a Bug to the forums

As part of the larger group of feature improvements in forums that includes the reputation changes...

Date: 06/01/2007

Microsoft Popfly - Why I'm Excited

Popfly has been out for about a week now, and I'm excited about it. Why? Is it because I've seen the...

Date: 05/25/2007

The Reputation System We're Actually Working On...

Over the past year, I've done quite a bit of blogging on reputation and got quite a bit of feedback...

Date: 05/22/2007

The Role of Microsoft Employees in our Forums

Recently, a forum moderator asked for some clarification from me in the moderators forum, and I'd...

Date: 04/25/2007

Off-Topic Posts: What To Do With Them

Last Edited: 4/10/2007 There has been much discussion on what to do with off-topic posts, especially...

Date: 04/09/2007

Can We "Digg" Forums?

When at a loss for what you might want to blog about, go to voila--the top entry on...

Date: 03/30/2007

Forums SP3 Deployed - Paste Code Snippets in the Forums

I've gotten the message so many times it's ridiculous--the MSDN Forums display emoticons in the...

Date: 03/26/2007

What Was the One Millionth Post in the Forums?

James asked a good question in the comments section of my last blog post, and I thought the topic...

Date: 03/23/2007

MSDN Forums: 1 Million Posts and Counting!

Today I was doing a little bit of housekeeping on the MSDN Forums and I noticed the post ticker at...

Date: 03/21/2007

Fixing the Zune in Five Steps?

As you probably know if you follow this blog regularly, I'm a big digital music fan that's been...

Date: 03/20/2007

Takeaways from the MVP Summit

Another MVP Summit has come and gone. Maybe it was the fact that I was busy moving the weekend...

Date: 03/16/2007

Where Have I Been?!

Wow. I looked at my blog today and realized that it had been nearly a month since the last time I...

Date: 02/26/2007

Moving iTunes Library to Windows Media Player – The Final Word

I've gotten lots and lots of questions about my previous couple of posts about how to move your...

Date: 01/24/2007

The Developer Solutions Team is in a Book!

If you've been following my blog or the blogs of my teammates (Josh, Sara, Jeremy, Bertan, or...

Date: 01/22/2007

5 Things You May Not Know About Me

The trickle-down effect through MSDN bloggers has finally made its way to me, and I've been tagged...

Date: 01/15/2007

Democracy for Online Communities

When I first started with the DevDiv Customer Connection team, Josh gave me the thirty-second...

Date: 01/12/2007

How Can We Make Forum Content More Discoverable? Part 1

Josh forwarded around a Channel9 thread yesterday where some Niners were talking about how they got...

Date: 01/05/2007

Looking Back at 2006

It's been nearly a year since I started this blog, and unfortunately as of late, I've been pretty...

Date: 01/03/2007

TFS Administration Tool 1.2 Released

I'm happy to announce yet another release of the TFS Administration Tool, incorporating another code...

Date: 01/02/2007

Moving from iTunes to Windows Media Player, Part II

About six months ago I tried as best as I could to document my experiences moving from iTunes to...

Date: 12/18/2006

Idea: "Wiki" Code Snippets at the top of Forum Threads

This is just a short, half-baked idea that I'd love some feedback about. It's pretty common in the...

Date: 12/08/2006

Trouble Getting AJAX Beta 2 to Build Sample Apps

I guess it's the pain of using beta software, but boy, trying to figure out what CTP works with what...

Date: 11/20/2006

Microsoft Code Snippet Designer – Alpha Release

Wow—looks like I'm going to keep going on the "lazy" theme that I've started over the past few...

Date: 11/16/2006

Another Power Toy...the Resource Refactoring Tool

If you're like me, you're lazy. You'd rather order out than cook, rather buy a robot vacuum than...

Date: 11/13/2006

Eye Candy Getting Closer to Prime Time...

I remember when I was back in school and saw some of the demo videos of what was then called Avalon....

Date: 10/27/2006

Visual Studio "Orcas" Forums Launched

Has it really been almost a year since Whidbey launched already? One year later, we've started to...

Date: 10/20/2006

Microsoft Best Practices Analyzer 1.0 Released (w/ ASP.NET 2.0 configuration plug-in)

I'm very happy to announce that today we released the 1.0 version of the Microsoft Best Practices...

Date: 10/18/2006

How Are People Using the MSDN Forums?

When every calendar month is finished, I usually take a few minutes to browse the site statistics...

Date: 10/17/2006

ForumExplorer: A Better(?) Way to Moderate the MSDN Forums

A couple of months ago I created a small tool that utilized some of the cool meta tag searching...

Date: 10/16/2006

Doom and the Magic of "Live"

If I was ambitious enough to create a "medium-to-very geeky" category, I'd make one, but I'm not. I...

Date: 10/07/2006

Searching for Code Online

While drinking my much improved coffee this morning and doing my rounds through my RSS feeds, I...

Date: 10/05/2006

Orcas September CTP Available to Everyone

Over here in Developer Solutions land, we're working hard on delivering the community power toys,...

Date: 09/29/2006

Time to Have a Little Fun on the Forums!

I recently had a thread with one of our MVPs who's been very active in the forums in the past, and...

Date: 09/25/2006

Preview Release of the Best Practices Analyzer Now Available from CodePlex

Following hot the heels of the 1.1 release of the TFS Administration Tool, I'm pleased to announce...

Date: 09/19/2006

TFS Administration Tool 1.1 RTW - A Community-Driven Release!

I'm happy to announce that the very first community-driven release of any of the Power Toys for...

Date: 09/14/2006

Help Us Bug Bash the 1.1 Release of the TFS Admin Tool!

We've had quite a few community contributions to the tool over the past few months, and we're almost...

Date: 09/08/2006

Best Practices for Running a Forum Community

Recently, my team has gotten quite a few requests for guidance on how teams should be engaging with...

Date: 09/07/2006

Windows Media Player 11 Beta 2 Released

If you follow my blog, you know about my experiences migrating from iTunes/iPod to the Windows Media...

Date: 08/31/2006
