It's Between Your Ears
A friend of mine told me a story the other day. I liked his reminder of how your job sat, is more about your perspective, than the job.
The story goes like this. As he was walking to his jet, on a picture perfect day, he thought to himself, how boring ... one more routine solo flight. Then it hit him. He's doing a job that other people only dream of. He realized that day and ever since, it's not your job that determines what you enjoy ... it's what's between your ears.
February 13, 2007
It's Between Your Ears Why? Because "Security is man-vs-man and humans are intelligent." - more aboutAnonymous
March 31, 2007
Here are couple of techniques I used for searching hints of SQL Injections in .Net apps. The basic approachAnonymous
March 31, 2007
Here are couple of techniques I used for searching hints of SQL Injections in .Net apps. The basic approachAnonymous
April 27, 2007
Absolutely agree, and that's why I left Microsoft to pursue my passion at :) Kevin -- Kevin Lam Impacta LLC ( "Risk management solutions working for you"