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John Howard - Senior Program Manager in the Hyper-V team at Microsoft

Senior Program Manager, Hyper-V team, Windows Core Operating System Division.

Turning off differencing disks, and a Virtualisation Live and Uncut rerun anyone?

Thanks to everyone who attended the "Virtualisation Live & Uncut" TechNet evening at the...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/14/2005

Part 15: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - Completing email receiving through SMTP transfer

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.In this blogcast, we complete email...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/13/2005

New virtualisation and Self Managing Dynamic Systems content on

There's a few new and updated pages on following the announcments made earlier this...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/13/2005

Windows Server 2003 R2 End-To-End Overview

If you missed yesterdays webcast exploring the three key areas of the upcoming Microsoft Windows...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/12/2005

Part 14: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - Preparing to receive mail through SMTP transfer

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.This next blogcast raises the bar in...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/12/2005

Resolving SMTP error 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for Error 0x800CCC79

I was struggling with this error message today - everything I had found on the Internet suggested it...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/11/2005

Part 13: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - Receive external email through POP3 polling

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.Unlucky 13 for some - it certainly was...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/11/2005

Self Managing Dynamic Systems update

Following my last post, here's a few links on which provide more information.A brief...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/10/2005

License changes for Windows Server - Virtualisation goes mainstream

BIG NEWS DAY FOR VIRTUALISATION TECHNOLOGY! As was just announced at SoftSummit in Santa Clara, CA...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/10/2005

Get TechNet Plus for half price

Thought you'd like this one if you live in the UK at least. Check out this page on,...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/10/2005

Part 12: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - Configuring outbound SMTP

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.Hot off the headphones, so to speak -...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/07/2005

64-bit Rocks!

...for a few days anyway. I went out and bought an AMD 3400 64 bit machine yesterday for my son who...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/05/2005

Silently Removing XP Games

I'm often sent questions by email about how to do x, how to do y, what does z do etc. This one was a...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/04/2005

ADS 1.1 + VSMT Followup

As I blogged at the end of last week, Automated Deployment Services, or ADS Version 1.1 was recently...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 10/03/2005

Microsoft Virtualisation Roadmap

Just spotted this publicly available webcast on 4th October 1PM-2PM PST (9PM-10PM UK) which should...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/30/2005

Automated Deployment Services 1.1 (Including VSMT)

This truly is something I'd long since forgotten about a long while back - ADS 1.1 has been in Beta...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/29/2005

Microsoft Codename Max

I've just about finished sorting and cataloging some 400 digital photos I took on holiday last week...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/28/2005

DFS Namespaces and DFS Replication in Windows Server 2003 R2

Here's a link to a great overview whitepaper describing the Distributed File System Solution in...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/26/2005

Virtual Server and TechNet Plus

OK, so I'm still going through 5,000,000 emails after 2 weeks away. So after me just posting about...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/26/2005

Virtual Server and MSDN

Not quite as applicable for IT Pro's, but I know many of you do have an MSDN subscription as well as...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/26/2005

Dilemmas, Upgrades and Decisions.

<Holiday Thoughts>Returning back to work mode. Holiday season for me now finally over this...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/26/2005

Cheaper Windows Server solution for mid-sized businesses

Just noticed a promotional combination offer running in the UK for a Windows Server System Solution...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/23/2005

Proxy server configuration

Always a co-incidence. I was writing a script a few days ago which essentially is a Technorati...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/22/2005

Windows Server 2003 R2 - Printer Management Console

The PMC (Printer Management Console) is another huge improvement in Windows Server 2003 R2. Tali...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/21/2005

Deploying WSUS on Small Business Server 2003

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) is a great way to manage patching machines in environments,...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/20/2005

Scripting with Monad

Monad is definitely a hot topic to watch in the future. I've just discovered that Jeffrey Snovers...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/19/2005

Making Robocopy faster

I use Robocopy a great deal to copy stuff from corpnet in a reliable way onto my laptop. One huge...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/16/2005

Part 11: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - OWA is SSL :-)

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.In this blogcast, we do a simple...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/15/2005

ADFS in Windows Server 2003 R2

ADFS is "Active Directory Federation Services". ADFS is just one part of the R2 release coming at...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/14/2005

Free Technet Magazine Subscription

...but only if you're US based. I know I get readers from all over the world, and know many of you...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/13/2005

Part 10: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - OWA goes SSL (nearly)

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.To re-configure our Outlook Web Access...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/12/2005

ISA 2004 and Exchange 2003

Kind of timely to see that a new guide has been published on titled "Application Layer...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/09/2005

TechNet improvements

Just came across this yesterday. If you are a TechNet subscriber, changes to the online site have...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/09/2005

Seperating web admin from the virtual server host

Clive picked up on this one last week - a new whitepaper was published which walks through how to...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/09/2005

Virtual Server processor clarification

This continually comes up as a query, what the limitation is for installing Virtual Server 2005...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/08/2005

Part 9: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - OWA /exchange path redirection

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.Yesterday, we got Outlook Web Access...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/06/2005

Part 8: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - Publishing Outlook Web Access

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.One step closer to making webmail...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/05/2005

Part 7: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - Our first certificate authority

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.We're now moving towards making Outlook...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/02/2005

Windows Vista Fast User Switching on domain joined machines

Woohoo!!! I'm suddenly one very happy person. The killer feature I've been hoping to see in Windows...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 09/01/2005

Edit VHD, VUD and VFD files directly

Gilles Vollant of WinImage fame contacted me a few weeks ago to have a look at the latest beta of...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/31/2005

What days do spammers take off?

Kind of interesting this one. I was looking through some of the logs for my home-brewed spam system...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/30/2005

Can the Virtual Server DHCP server be flagged as a rogue DHCP server?

This interesting question came up in a discussion recently. The answer is no, but you have to think...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/26/2005

Can I run Virtual Machines when I'm not logged on?

I wanted to clarify this common problem - I was asked it a couple of times over at TechEd this year,...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/25/2005

Part 6: Infrastructure essentials Blogcast - 0x8004010F on Outlook send/receive

Continuing the blogcast series on infrastructure essentials.At the end of the last infrastructure...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/24/2005

Announcements for Virtual Server 2005 R2 (SP1) and more...

At the IDF (Intel Developers Forum) yesterday, Microsoft made the announcement I've been waiting to...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/24/2005

Vista Beta 1 Internet Explorer 7 problems with some sites

This is fairly well publicised if you look around the Internet, but not in a single place that I...

Author: John Howard -MSFT Date: 08/19/2005

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