Linux Support in Virtual Server 2005 R2
Co-inciding with the announcment of Virtual Server 2005 R2 Enterprise Edition being free, it was also announced that Virtual Machine Additions for Linux additions are available for download along with the list of varients which will be supported:
-Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 (update 6)
-Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (update 6)
-Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
-SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
-Red Hat Linux 7.3
-Red Hat Linux 9.0
-SuSE Linux 9.2
-SuSE Linux 9.3
-SuSE Linux 10
To sign-up for these additions, visit and logon with a passport account. Click on Available Programs and apply for "Virtual Machine Additions for Linux". The status will be marked as Pending for now. - soon after you will be granted access rights and have the ability to download them.
There will shortly be a KB article available documenting the list of Linux OS's available (I'll post the link up as soon as I have it), and similarly the information will be maintained under
It's also worth pointing out what capabilities the Virtual Machine Additions for Linux provide:
- Improved Mouse & Video interaction
- Guest Heartbeat detection
- Time Syncronisation
- Host co-ordinated shutdown
- Improved SCSI disk emulation
There will be further releases of the Virtual Machine Additions for Linux which will co-incide with the release of Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 - more details on this to follow shortly.
More details on all of this can be found on the Microsoft Presspass site
January 01, 2003
Mike Neil's blog post on the Microsoft Virtualization Strategy is an important read if you are in thisAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Not the best kept secret I know (and so do you all by now), but the press release is here,
In summary,...Anonymous
January 01, 2003
I guess that now I'm part of the VM team rather than being an "inside-outsider", I can blog this authoritatively....Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Here's the link to the KB article I referred to yesterday for third party operating system (read...Anonymous
January 01, 2003
Mike Neil's blog post on the Microsoft Virtualization Strategy is an important read if you are in thisAnonymous
April 04, 2006
Typical microsoft bullsh*t. You have to "get approved" to download Virtual Machine Additions for Linux??
I'll stick with VMware.