Access Denied when running Test-CsExStorageConnectivity
When running The Lync Server 2013 cmdlet Test-CsExStorageConnectivity to test connectivity to Exchange 2013, you might see the error Access Denied as shown below
Test-CsExStorageConnectivity : ExCreateItem exchange operation failed, code=5,
activityId=[52a9af76-e3b5-460b-8136-1c02553767e9]}Access Denied
The reason could be that the user running the cmdlet is not member of the local group "RTC Local User Administrators". Membership of the domain group RTCUniversalUserAdmins will automatically give you membership of the needed local group.
Use whoami /groups in a command window to see your group membership.
April 17, 2013
Hello Jens, We did see the same issue in the 20336A course environment - how ever - after adding the admin user to the "RTC Local User Administrators" group - it did not reflect when running whoami /groups. After a reboot - whoami /groups - showed the correct membership - and the test command worked again - thanks dude! /mkAnonymous
April 10, 2014
Hello gents,
We encounter same issues with same course (20336A), after restarting the Front-end Server, the groups "RTCUniversalServerAdmin" is well applied to the administrator (and not "RTC Local User Administrators" which is not existing :-s ).
Anyway, Thanks for this discussion, this definitively helped us ;-)