So, your IIS Manager comes up blank, too?
Have you ever opened the IIS Manager MMC (quick shortcut - Start/Run/inetmgr) only to find it comes up completely blank? Also, keen eyes will notice it takes a lot longer for the MMC window itself to appear as well, when this problem occurs. This phenomena appears to only occur if you have MOSS installed.
In any case, if you have seen this problem on one or more servers in your farm, you can work around it by simply restarting the OWSTimer service ("Windows SharePoint Services Timer" service). This is fairly acceptable to most since it does not require you to reset IIS or reboot the server (i.e. no downtime).
The good news is there is now a hotfix that should resolve this issue! Give Microsoft Support a call if you're experiencing this issue.
July 02, 2008
There's an IIS 6.0 update that recently came out that should be applied to all WSS/MOSS servers, as itAnonymous
October 27, 2008
Alguna vez has entrado al IIS Manager MMC y de pronto no ves los Sitios Web ni Applications Pools niAnonymous
February 10, 2009
Alguna vez has entrado al IIS Manager MMC y de pronto no ves los Sitios Web ni Applications Pools niAnonymous
March 26, 2009
Im getting the same error at times on my live webservers. Only we dont have sharepoint of any flavor on this server. Do you think this hotfix will help?