Insert Null value into DateTime column in SQL server from ASPX application
We have following web form asking user to enter name and joining date
In SQL express we are having following columns
When ever user does not enter joining date instead of getting null value added into join_date column we end with exception on browser
Code Behind
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO emp(emp_name, join_date) VALUES(@emp_name1,@join_date1)", con1);
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@emp_name1", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = name.Text;
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@join_date1", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = joindate.Text;
Label1.Text = " Record added";
Make a check(if) for empty string and insert specific SqlDateTime.null value
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@emp_name1", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@join_date1", SqlDbType.DateTime);
cmd1.Parameters["@emp_name1"].Value = name.Text;
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime getDate;
//set DateTime nullgetDate = SqlDateTime.Null;
if (joindate.Text == "")
cmd1.Parameters["@join_date1"].Value = getDate;
cmd1.Parameters["@join_date1"].Value = joindate.Text;
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@emp_name1", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@join_date1", SqlDbType.DateTime)
cmd1.Parameters("@emp_name1").Value = name.Text
Dim getDate As SqlDateTime<br>getDate = SqlDateTime.Null
If joindate.Text = "" Then
cmd1.Parameters("@join_date1").Value = getDate
cmd1.Parameters("@join_date1").Value = joindate.Text
End If
Hope this helps!!
July 09, 2008
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September 09, 2008
hi when I applied above solution got this error Cast from type 'SqlDateTime' to type 'Date' is not valid.Anonymous
November 05, 2008
Thank you! I was looking all over to find a way to insert Null in a datetime column. cheersAnonymous
December 18, 2008
when i applied the above solution ,its not workingAnonymous
March 03, 2009
Before this code i had tried so many code but which is not working fine but after some changes this is really working fine. ThanksAnonymous
March 20, 2009
i'm using dataset and adding record row by row in datatable of dataset and then updating database. i'm getting error while adding null value to field of type datetime. my code look like... DataRow rowNew = m_dt_student.NewRow(); rowNew["stud_id"] = m_NextStudId; rowNew["stud_name"] = txtbxStu_Name.Text; rowNew["stud_age"] = txtbxStu_Age.Text; rowNew["start_date"] = txtbxDate1.Text; //rowNew["end_date"] = txtbxDate2.Text; sqldatenull = SqlDateTime.Null; if (txtbxDate2.Text == "") { //txtbxDate2.Text = sqldatenull; rowNew["end_date"] = Convert.ToDateTime(sqldatenull); } rowNew["end_date"] = txtbxDate2.Text; m_dt_student.Rows.Add(rowNew); SqlCommandBuilder cmdcon = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter); adapter.Update(m_dt_student);Anonymous
March 25, 2009
Really Useful and Thanks a lotAnonymous
March 30, 2009
Harsh, Why you are doing this, you are bound to get error : rowNew["end_date"] = Convert.ToDateTime(sqldatenull); Try this rowNew["end_date"] = sqldatenull; Thanks JAsAnonymous
June 13, 2009
January 08, 2012
Wouldn't it be easier to make the date a nullable type?
June 05, 2013
Thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :))))Anonymous
November 13, 2013
set datatype allow nul and "[DateEnd]=Null"Anonymous
January 31, 2014
Cast from type 'SqlDateTime' to type 'Date' is not valid. please add namespace using System.Data.SqlTypes;