Tuples in PowerShell
Tuples in computer science are usually light weight record objects with simple name value pairs. In scripting languages it is very handy to create them on the fly. For quite some time I was using associative arrays in PowerShell to do just that.
PS>$a = @{Name="MyName";Value="MyValue"}
It has essentially everything you would need from a tuple inside of a scripting language. The more and more I use PowerShell though I've found that this is not always a good idea. It comes back to PowerShell pipelining. Whenever you pass a collection to a pipeline PowerShell will unroll the collection and pass the individual items.
Under the hood, an associative array is a System.Hashtable. As a result it is a collection of name value pairs. Hence when you pass this tuple through a pipeline, it is torn apart and each element of the tuple is passed as a separate object.
PS>$a = @{Name1="Value1";Name2="Value2"}
Name Value
---- -----
Name2 Value2
Name1 Value1
Hence I've now taken a new route. Create an actual tuple :)
function New-Tuple()
param ( [object[]]$list= $(throw "Please specify the list of names and values") )
$tuple = new-object psobject
for ( $i= 0 ; $i -lt $list.Length; $i = $i+2)
$name = [string]($list[$i])
$value = $list[$i+1]
$tuple | add-member NoteProperty $name $value
return $tuple
PS>$a = New Tuple Name,1,Value,2
The result can now be passed around pipelines as a single entity.
November 29, 2007
PingBack from http://www.absolutely-people-search.info/?p=1082Anonymous
November 29, 2007
PingBack from http://www.absolutely-people-search.info/?p=1082Anonymous
January 03, 2008
A tuple in computer science can be described as a set of name/value pairs. In some cases it can be describedAnonymous
January 03, 2008
A tuple in computer science can be described as a set of name/value pairs. In some cases it can be describedAnonymous
February 02, 2008
Another day, another PowerShell feature discovered.  Unfortunately this time it was a feature thatAnonymous
February 02, 2008
Another day, another PowerShell feature discovered.  Unfortunately this time it was a feature that